Home>IEC Standards>IEC 61958:2000 pdf download

IEC 61958:2000 pdf download

IEC 61958:2000 pdf download.High-voltage prefabricated switchgear and
controlgear assemblies – Voltage presence indicating systems.
2 Service conditions
VPIS are designed to be used under the same service conditions as the switchgear in which
they are installed, as defined in clause 2 of IEC 60694.
3 Definitions
For the purpose of this International Standard the tllowing detintions apply.
voltage presence indlcating system (VPIS)
device used to indicate the pre resence operating voitage
NOTE 1 VPIS may also be used in conjunction with phase comparators.
NOTE 2 VPIS are not designed 10 detect reliably Ihe absence of voltage: tor this purpose, only voltage detectors or vollage deiecting systems (VDS according to IEC 61243 -5) should be usod
coupling element
part of the VPIS connected to the main circuit which transmits to the indicating element a
signal related to the voltage condition of this circuit. Diffterent physical principles can be used for the coupling element, for example, capacitive, resistive, optical, etc.
indicating element part of the VPIS which gives a visuai indication depending on the input signal received from the coupling element,
connecting point
point of the indicating element where a suitable phase comparator may be connected
phase comparator
apparatus which indicates the phase relationship between the connecting points of two VPIS
nominal voltage (Un)
suitabie approximate value of voitage used to identity a system or device
(IEV 601-01-21, modifiedj
NOTE 1 The nominal votage of the VPIS is the parameter associated with its clear indicatin. VPIS may have
one nominal voltage Uhr 0f a nomina! voltage range. Limit values o! the nomimal vollage range ane named Uhnmun and
NOTE 2 In this standard. the nominal voltage of a three-phaso systom is the normal phase to phase vollage. The nominal voltage of a single phase system 1S the normal voltage between lines.
voltage limiting device
proteclive device that limits the voltage at the output terminai of the coupling eiement in the
case of insulation failure
4 Ratings
The fllowing ratings of the switchgear shall also be applicable to the VPIS incorporated in it:
rated voltage; rated in insulation I rated frequency(ies).
In addition, the nominal voltage, or nominal voltage range, of the systems on which the VPIS
can be used, shall be defined.
4.1 Rated voltage
Refer to 4.1 of !EC 60694.
Reter to 4.2 of IEC 60694.
4.3 Rated trequency
Reter to 4.3 of IEC 60694.
5 Design and construction
5.1 General
5.1.1 Parts of VPiS
A VPIS includes a coupling element; an indicating element; a connecting point (optional).
Both the coupling and indicating elements are fixed and incorporated in switchgear (see
figure 1).
5.1.2 Phase comparison
VPIS should allow checking of phase reltionship by means of a suitable phase comparator.
The characteristics ot the phase comparator shall be defined by the manu!acturer o! the VPIS.
5.1.3 Degree of protection (IP code)
Parts of the VPIS which contribute to the switchgear enclosure shall meet the degree ot
protection defined tor the switchgear.
it the VPIS inciudes hazardous parts when in service, it shall provide at least an IPXXB degree
of protection according t0 IEC 60529, even when repiaceabie paris are removed.
5.3 Indication and perceptibility
The indicating element of a VPIS shall provide a clear visual indication of the voltage state.
The indication shall be clearly perceptible to the user when in the recommended operating
position and under practical lighting conditions.
Some types of VPIS are restricted to indoor use, and others are suitable for indoor and outdoor
5.3.2 Frequency of repetition
In the case of a repetitive visual indication, the trequency of repetition shall be at least 1 Hz.
This requirement shal! be met tor an actual line-lo earth voltage equal to, or greater than. 45 %
of the nomina! voltage. For a line-to-earth voltage lower than 10 % of the nominal voltage, the
indication corresponding to “voltage not present” shall appear with no active signal allowed tor
a VPIS having no built-in power source.
For single phase systems, the applicable threshold values according to 5.2 shall be used.
5.3.3 Response time
The indicating element of a VPIS shall indicate the change of state of voltage within 1 s.
Indication until power source is exhausted
VPIS with a bult-in power source shall give a clear indication of voltage presence until the
power source is exhausted, unless their usage is limited by an indication of non readiness or
automatic shut-off.

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