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IEC 61966-4:2000 pdf download

IEC 61966-4:2000 pdf download.Multimedia systems and equipment – Colour measurement and management -Part 4:Equipment using liquid crystal display panels.
6 Measurement equipment
6.1 Spectroradiometer
A spectroradiometer with the following specification should be used for the measurements.
a) Wavelength range at least 380 nm to 780 nm
b) Field of view between 0,1° and 2,0°
C) Wavelength uncertainly less than 0,5 nm at wavelengths specified by the
manulacturer of the Instrument
d) Scanning interval 5 nm or less
e) Bandpath 5 nm or less
f) Repeatability 0,001 in .i.y and 0,5 % in luminance (in candela per square metre) for the light source specified by the manufacturer of the instrument
g) Uncertainty 0,005 in ., v for red, green, blue and white of a CRT
display and 4 % in luminance (in candela per square metre) for white of the CRT display that has a definite r, and luminance value
h) Polarization error within 5 %
The (x, i) is the CIE 1931 chromaticity coordinate delined in CIE 15.2.
NOTE I For polanzation errors, see 161, NOTE 2 Penodc calibration should be carned out with a standard source of known spectral por dislnbulion, NOTE 3 Fither technical details of th. deIiQn, characterization, and calibration 01 apectroradiomoters can be found in CIE 63 and (4J.
NOTE 4 The standard CR1 display is referred to because no standard LCD panel crisIs at me time 01 publicatIon of this part. When it Is available, the standard CAT display should be replaced by the LCD.
If the spectroradiometer used for measurements does not meet the above specifications. the name of the model and the specification of the equipment shall be reported, together with the results of measurements.
6.2 Colorimeter
The colorimeter in Figure 1 should have the lollowing specifications.
a) Field of view any value between 0,1° and 2,0°.
b) Spectral responsitivity conforming to the CIE 2° colour-matching functions as defined in ISOldE 10527.
C) Repeatability 0.002 in x.y and 0,5 % for luminance for a light source specified
by the manufacturer of the instrument.
d) Uncertainty 0.005 in x,y for red, green. blue and white of the CRT display
and 4 % in luminance (in candela per square metre) for white of
the CRT display that has a definite .r. v and luminance value.
The (.r,.,) is the CIE 1931 chromaticity coordinate defined in CIE 15.2.
NOTE I lithe ong.nal uncerlainty of the colonineter does not meet the, recommendation. correction methode are availabl, to improVe the accuracy for the CRT display measurement, (S.. (II, (2) and IS)-)
NOTE 2 The instrument should be calibrated p.riodicaly to assur, the urec.riarnty recommendation given in d) above.
NOTE 3 The standard CAT display is retered to because no standard LCD panel exists at the time of publication of this part When it is available the standard CRT display should be replaced by the LCD.
The readings of the colorimeter. X, V (in candela per square metre), and 7 shall be normalized by the luminance level of a peak neutral colour (white). I’ (in candela per square metre), as follows:
If the colorimeter used for measurements does not meet the above specifications, the name of
the model and the specification of the equipment shall be reported, together with lhe results of measurements.
7 Spectral characteristics and intensity of the primaries and white stimuli
7.1 CharacterIstics to be measured
Spectral radiance distributions and corresponding tristimulus values for the three primary colours, red — green — blue, as well as white.
7.2 Measurement conditions
The arrangement of the equipment shall be as shown In Figure 1 wIth the spectroradiometer.
The colour signal shall be generated in such a way that the colour image is positioned at the
centre of the LCD under measurement.
7.3 Method of measurement
The centred colour patches shall be generated following the measurement steps as shown in Table 1, where M =2s —l and N is the number of bits per channel.

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