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IEC TS 61813:2000 pdf download

IEC TS 61813:2000 pdf download.Live working – Care, maintenance and in-service testing of aerial devices with insulating booms.
Tools, equipment and materials that are temporarily stored within the confines of the platform should not be stood upon and they should be removed from platforms as soon as practicable and before storage. Similarly, such items should not be dropped into the platform.
To protect the insulating properties and structural integrity of the insulating platforms. consideration should be given to the use of a protective liner or scuff pad.
The aerial device shall not be used as a fulcrum for prying, pushing or lifting. Conductors or other equipment shall not be laid on the platforms.
The winch shall only be used for lifting or lowering. It shall not be used in any other configuration unless explicitly warranted by the manufacturer.
The rated capacity of the aerial device shall not be exceeded either by overloading or exceeding the moments conducive to overturning. Caution should be exercised when carrying tools and equipment not to exceed the platform capacity.
5.3 Storage
When parking aerial devices in buildings or maintenance garages where heat sources are present, care should be taken to avoid damage to the insulated portion of the arm from excessive heaL Fibreglass portions can be damaged if their resins are exposed to temperatures of 80 °C or more.
6 MaIntenance of aerial device insulating booms
6.1 General
The insulating components of the aerial device, i.e. boom, platforms and, if fitted, jib, shall be maintained In a clean condition and subjected to a visual Inspection by the operators before commencing work.
A programme of periodic testing, which should include a more detailed visual examination and dielectric testing, should be established.
Only personnel who are formally trained and qualified shall be permitted to conduct inspections and perform electrical and mechanical tests.
6,2 CleanIng
it is very important to maintain the insulated components of the aerial device In a clean condition.
Minor soiling can be removed with a lint-free cloth. Tack rags should not be used.
For heavier soiling, a lint-free cloth lightly dampened with a suitable solvent may be used.
NOTE A suitable •Ovent is on. which removes surface contaminants and moisture and does not degade the dielociric prop.xlms ci the insulating Components or soften the gel Coat.
An example of a suitable sokrent is Isopropanol (Propan 2-Ot. (CH,).CHOH). Basic guidelines for the use of sopropano are provided in annex A.
Consideration should be given to regular depotservice-centre cleaning using a mild detergent as recommended by the manufacturer, Note that certain detergents may leave a residue which can affect the insulating properties. Abrasive cleaners should not be used.
Where exceptionally dirty conditions prevail, a high-pressure hot wash may be used with the following restrictions:
a) water temperature shall not exceed 50 C
b) pressure shall not exceed 690 kPa.
6.3 Slllconlng
Caution: Improperly applied silicone can attractideploy contaminants wflicri can reduce the
dielectric properties of the insulating components.
Following cleaning, allow the surface to dry.
A fine coating of silicone should then be applied using either a clean lint-free cloth or spray. Where spray application is chosen, the sprayed surface should be wiped with a lint-free cloth to remove excess material.
The silicone coating may be removed by certain cleaning agents or by solvents,
7 InspectIon
Aerial devices shall be inspected in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations to identity any defects or malfunctions of the equipment. Any suspected items shall be carefully examined and a determination made by a formally trained and qualified person as to whether they constitute a hazard.
Structural damage includes Cuts which can result from collision with sharp edges and can be seen as holes or grooves, often with broken and exposed glass fibres. Structural damage also Includes btuises caused by collision with a blunt edge. such as tree branches, poles. eic., and seen as light craze marks. Overloading tends to make the boom buckle near the base of the opposite side from the applied force, resulting in cracks, swelling or creasing at or near the steel attachment.
All unsafe items shall be replaced or repaired before the aerial device is used.
The inspection should take place immediately following cleaning. The exterior of insulating components such as boom, platforms and jib should be wiped clean with a lint-free cloth, Where necessary, the cloth may be lightly dampened with a suitable solvent,
7.1 InspectIon before commencing work
The purpose of this inspection Is to identify any deficiencies which may have arisen during previous work, periods of storage. etc. The inspection is mainly visual although the operator should listen for any abnormal audible noises which may be present or occur during the functional checks.

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