Home>IEC Standards>IEC TS 61945:2000 pdf download

IEC TS 61945:2000 pdf download

IEC TS 61945:2000 pdf download.Integrated circuits – Manufacturing line approval – Methodology for technology and failure analysis.
The technology analysis generates various types of information depending on the resources involved. These may be very simple (binocular magnifying glasses for example) or sophist,cated (high-resolution SEM, etc.). The interpretation of the results is very often not conclusive because it depends on the level of complexity of the required analysis. For this reason, these technology analysis tests should be classified according to their complexity. and indications on observation limits should be specified in order to select the right tools and procedures (described hereinafter) corresponding to the required objectives.
The various types of technology analysis are classified according to an increasing level of complexity.
NOTE When it is ncessary to open a package. ttiis should be perlormed e’,thout disturbing the electrical lunction 01 the component.
4.1 FIrst level: General vIsual Inspection (ATI test)
4.1.1 Objective
To obtain general Intormation on technologies used (assembly, diffusion) and to evaluate the features of each of them.
4.1.2 Resources
Binocular magnifying glass and optical microscope (magnification up to 150x and with measurement capability).
4.1.3 Descriptien
External visual inspections apply to packages.
Internal visual inspections apply to dies.
a) The external visual inspection allows for:
— distinguishing gross faults with dimensions greater than 10 pm;
— examining the quality of lead platings, glass iead•through for metal packages, adhesion
of resin to metal. deftashing and moulding appearance for plastic packages, sealing
glass for ceramic packages and leads soldering for ceramicimetal packages with add-on
— identifying the package by observing marking;
— measuring package dimensions
b) The internal visual inspection permits:
— distinguishing gross faults with dimensions greater than 10 pm:
— identifying (if necessary) the die by observing the marking;
— measuring the dimensions of the die and of the internal connections;
— determining and inspecting the type of die attach (eutectic. glue. etc.):
— observing the number 01 interconnection layers;
— identifying a protective layer (glassivation, etc.).
4.2 Second level: Detailed visual inspection (AT2 test)
4.2.1 ObjectIve
To obtain general information on technologies used (assembly, diffusion), assess the dimensional features and describe as many fine faults as possible (dimension of the order of 1 pm) on the surface of the die and of the package.
4.2.2 Resources
Binocular magnifying glass and optical microscope (magnifying from 150x up to 1 000x and with measurement capability).
SEM (secondary or backscattered electron mode) which may include an X-ray spectrometer that is potentially destructive to the device under examination.
4.2.3 DescrIption
External and internal visual inspection with binocular magnifying glass and optical microscope, under large magnification (1 000x), followed by a SEM and X-ray spectrometer analysis of detected defects with optical inspection. This test allows for:
— identifying as many fine faults as possible (dimension of the order of 1 pm) on the surface of the die and of the package;
— determining their chemical composition.
4.3 ThIrd level: Scanning Electron Microscope examination under large magnification (AT3 test)
4.3.1 Objective
To obtain detailed information on technologies used (assembly, diffusion) and assess dimensional and physical features (1 pm).
4.3.2 Resources
SEM (secondary or backscattered electron mode, magnification >1 000x) and X-ray spectrometer.
4.3.3 DescriptIon
SEM visual inspection on top of the die, under large magnification (>1 000x) and X-ray spectrometer analysis of the most important materials used for the integrated circuit. This analysis allows for:
— description in detail of the surface faults;
— determination of the chemical composition (elements with atomic number 11):
• surface foreign materials;
• basic materials for the package and for sealing the package;
• the die attach material;
• the die material;
• the internal connection wires;
• the glassivation layer.
Fourth level: Construction analysis (AT4 test)
To obtain detailed information on technologies used (assembly, diffusion) and describe in
detail fine (dimensions of the order of 1 micron) and very fine faults (dimensions of the order
of 1/10 um) found inside the die and the package.

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