Home>IEC Standards>IEC 60204-11:2000 pdf download

IEC 60204-11:2000 pdf download

IEC 60204-11:2000 pdf download.Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines – Part 11:Requirements for HV equipment for voltages above 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. and not exceeding 36 kV.
part providing protection against direct contact from any usual direction of access
[1EV 826-03-13)
cable tray
cable support consisting of a continuous base and raised edges and no covering
NOTE A cable tray may be pertorated or non-pei’torated.
[1EV 826.06.07, amendment 2)
control circuit (of a machine)
circuit used for the operational control of the machine and for protection of the power circuits
control device
device connected into the control Circuit and used for controlling the operation of the machine (e.g. position sensor, manual control switch, relay, magnetically operated valve)
general term covering switching devices and their combination with associated control. measuring, protective, and regulating equipment, also assemblies of such devices and equipment with associated interconnections, accessories, enclosures, and supporting structures, intended In principle for the control of electrical energy consuming equipment
(1EV 441-11-03)
direct contact
electric contact of persons or animals with live parts
[1EV 195.06.03)
enclosed channel designed expressly for holding and protecting electrical conductors, cables, and busbars
NOTE Conduils. cab4e trur*nQ system. and underttoor ctiannels are Ipes of duct.
earthing system
locally limited system of conductively connected earth electrodes or metal parts of equal effectiveness (for example tower footings, armourings. metal cable sheaths), of earthing conductors and of bonding conductors
(HD 637, 2.7.6)
electrical operating area
room or location for electrical equipment to which access Is intended to be restricted to skilled or Instructed persons, by the opening of a door or the removal of a barrier without the use of a key or tool, and which is clearly marked by appropriate warning signs
NOTE (.l.ctrlcally) Instructed p.r,on A person adequately advised or supervised by an electrically skilled person to enable him or her to perceive risks and to avoid hazards which electricity can create (1EV 826-09-02. modelaedj
(electrically) skilled person: A person with relevant education and expenence to enable him o’ her to pecelve risks and to avoid hazards which .leclncily can create 11EV 826-09.01 modifiedl
lace also lEt 60204-I, 3.28 and 352J
electronic equipment
part of the electrical equipment containing circuitry mainly based on electronic devices and components
enclosed electrical Operating area
room or location for electrical equipment to which access Is intended to be restricted to skilled or instructed persons by the opening of a door or the removal of a barrier by the use of a key or tool and which Is clearly marked by appropriate warning signs
NOTE See also NOTE to definItion 3,10,
part providing protection of equipment against certain external influences and, in any d.rechon, protoclion against direct contact (1EV 826-03-12]
NOTE The delinilion taken from the exIsting 1EV needs the following explanations under the scope of this standard Ieee IEC 60529. 3.11:
a) enclosures provide ploteclion of persons or livestock against access to hazardous paris:
b) barriers, shapqd openings, or any other means suitabl, to prevent or limit the penetration of the specified test probes. whethec attached to the enclosure or formed by the enclosed equipment. are considered as pan 01 the enclosure, except where they can be removed without the usa of a key or tool.
An enclosure may be
— S Cabinet or bos. either mounted on the machine or separate from th, machine:
— a compartment consisting of an enclosed space within the machine structure.
general term including material, fittings. devices, appliances, fixtures, apparatus, and the like used as part of, or in connection with, an electrical installation
equlpotentlal bonding
provision of electric connections between conductive parts, intended to achieve equlpotentiality
(1EV 195-01-10)
equipotential bonding conductor
(protective bonding conductor)
protective conductor provided for protective-equipotential-bonding
[IEV 195-02-10].

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