ASME B30.11-2004 pdf download
ASME B30.11-2004 pdf download.Monorails and Underhung Cranes.
radio controlled: a crane or carrier operated from a radio transmitter located at a point not mechanically attached to the device being controlled.
rated load: the maximum load, designated by the manufacturer or qualified person, for which the crane or monorail system is designed and built.
remote controlled: controlled by a control station located at a point not mechanically attached to the device being controlled.
rope: refers to wire rope unless otherwise specified.
runway: the tracks from which the underhung crane is suspended.
service, heavy: that service which involves operation within the rated load limit which exceeds normal service.
service, normal: that service which involves operation with randomly distributed loads within the rated load limit, or uniform loads of less than 65% of the rated load for not more than 15% of the time for manually operated hoists, and 25% of the time for electric or pneumatic-powered hoists, of a single work shift.
service, severe: that service which involves normal or heavy service with abnormal operating conditions.
shall: the word “shall” indicates that the rule is mandatory and must be followed.
should: the word “should” indicates that the rule is a recommendation, the advisability of which depends on the facts in each situation.
side pit!!: the component of the hoist pull acting horizontally when the hoist lines are not operated vertically.
splice: a mechanical device used to join the adjacent ends of track sections.
spur track: a fixed track arranged to interlock with an adjacent crane girder to permit passage of carriers from the spur track to the crane, and vice versa.
standin,’ equipment: equipment that is not in regular service but which is used occasionally or intermittently as required.
stop: a device to limit travel of a carrier or crane and which normally does not have energy-absorbing ability.
switch, cross-track: a track switch containing one straight section of track, pivoted about the center, which can be rotated to align with other crossing tracks to allow passage of the carrier through the junction without changing the direction of the carrier motion.
switch, glide (slider): a track switch with a movable inner frame containing straight or curved sections of track. The inner frame can be moved to align these sections of track with other fixed tracks to permit routing of carriers.
turntable: a track device with a movable inner frame containing a straight section of track that can be rotated with a loaded carrier on it to align the section of track with other tracks for the transfer of carriers from one track to another.
yoke: a frame on which a pair of load-carrying wheels are mounted.
track, enclosed: a structural member, generally in the shape of a rectangular tube, with a continuous slot running lengthwise along the underside that permits end trucks or carriers (trolleys) to travel on the interior bottom flange (see Fig. 9).
track curves: curved sections of monorail track used to change the direction of carrier travel.
track hangers: fittings used to suspend the track from the supporting structure.
track joint: the point at which two sections of track are joined together.
The following is a list of publications referenced in this Standard.
The Manual of Steel Construction, 9th ed., 1989
Publisher: American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), One East Wacker Drive, Suite 3100, Chicago, II. 60601
Specification for Aluminum Structures (1986)
Publisher: The Aluminum Association, Inc. (AA), 818 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20006
ANSI A1264.1-1995 (R2002), Safety Requirements for Workplace Floor and Wall Openings, Stairs, and Railing Systems
ANSI Z26.1-1 990, Safety Code for Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles Operating on Land Highways
Publisher: American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036
ANSI A14.3-1992, Safety Requirements for Fixed Ladders1
Publisher: American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), 1800 East Oakton Street, Des Plaines, IL 60018-2187