ASME B30.22-2000 pdf download
ASME B30.22-2000 pdf download.ARTICULATING BOOM CRANES.
(2) A nonsymmctrical mounting requires a higherloading to producc a condition of tipping in a dircctionother than that of lcast stability on which the loadratings are established. Therefore, if the crane specifica-tion includes additiona! ratings for directions other thanthe least stable,such ratings also may be governed bystructural competence rather than stability. For suchspecified additional ratings,the work area shall beindicated, and for those ratings which might be governedby tipping loads. the applicable percentage factors inpara. 22-1.1.l(a) shall not be exceeded.
(b) For all operational applications.the crane loadratings established by the manufacturer shall not beexceeded.
22-1.1.3 Load Rating Chart
ia)A durable rating chart or charts with legibleletters and figures shall be provided with each craneand attached in a location available to the operatorwhile at the controls.The data and information to beprovided on these charts shall include,but not belimited to.the foliowing:
) a range of manufacturer”s crane load ratingsatstated operating radii,work areas, boom lengths.configurations. and jib lengths:
2) in areas where no load or reduced load is tobe handled. a work area figure or load rating chartshaii so stale:
f3recommended reeving for the hoist lines shallbe shown if the crane is equipped with a winch.(b) In addition to the datarequired on the loadrating chart, the following information shall be showneither on the load rating chart or in the operatingmanual:
recommended tire pressure chart, where appli-cable;
(2) cautionary or warning notes relative to limita-tions on equipment and operating procedures;
(3)the maximum telescopic travel length of eachhoom telescopic section;
(4)whether sections are telescoped with power ormanually:
(2) Winch drums shall have rope capacity with the recommended rope size and reeving to perform crane service within the range of boom lengths, operating radii, and vertical lifts specifed by the manufacturer.
(a) No less than two full wraps of rope shall remain on the drum when the hook is in the extreme
low position and the booms are at maximum elevation and extension.
(b) The drum end of the rope shall be anchored to the drum by an arrangement specified by crane or with manufacturer.
(C) The dnum Hange shall extend a minimum % in. (13 mm) over the top layer of rope at all times.
(3) The winch dums shall provide a first layer rope pitch diameter of not less than 18 times the
nominal diameter of the rope used.
(4) A means controllable from the operators station shall be provided to hold the drum from rotating in the lowering direction and be capable of holding the rated load without further action by the operator.
(C) Two-Biocking Dumage- Prevention Feature. On an anticulating crane equipped with a winch, a LWU- blocking damage-prcvention fealure shall be provided .
Stalling of the hydraulic system may be acceptable.
(ul) Cylinders With Rope Reeving
(1) Crancs using a load hoist mechanism with hydraulic cylinder(s) and rope reeving shall have power and operational characteristics to perform all load lifting and controlled lowering functions required in crane service when operated under recommended conditions.
(2) Cylinders shall be equipped with a load holding device to prevent uncontrolled lowering of the load in case of hydraulic line failure.
(3) The load hoist cylinder shall be capable of holding rated load without action of the operator.
Section 22-1.3: Swing Mechanism
22-1.3.1 Swing Control. The swing mechanism shall slart and stop with controlled aceleration and
22-1.3.2 Swing Braking Means and Locking
(a) A stopping means with holding power in both directions shall be provided to restrict movement of the rotating mast. when desired under normal operation.
The braking means shall be capable of being set in the hoiding position and remaining so without furtheraclion by the operator.