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API RP 591:2003 pdf download

API RP 591:2003 pdf download.Process Valve Qualification Procedure.
5.4.1 General
Processes that affect the quality of items or services shall he controlled by instructions, procedures, drawings, checklists, or travelers. Special processes that control or verify quality, such as those used in welding, heat treatment, and nondestructive examination, shall he performed by qualified personnel in accordance with the specified requirements.
5.4.2 Acceptance Criteria
The applicable requirements of relevant codes and standards, including acceptance criteria for the processes, shall he specified or referenced in the manufacturer’s procedures or instructions.
5.4.3 Records
Records shall he maintained as appropriate for currently qualified personnel, processes, and the equipment for each special process.
5.5.1 Characteristics to he inspected and inspection methods to be employed shall he specified. Inspection shall verify that the characteristics of an item are within the specified limits in accordance with the applicable API valve standard. Identification of a rejected item shall he maintained until the item is repaired or scrapped.
5.5.2 Inspection personnel shall have organizational i ndependence from manufacturing and production personnel.
5.5.3 Where necessary to verify quality, items should he inspected while in process or under construction. If it is not practical to inspect items while in process or under construction, indirect control should he provided by monitoring of the processing methods, equipment. and personnel. Inspected items shall he segregated from un-inspected items.
5.6.1 Exam i nation and testing requirements and acceptance criteria shall he based on requirements specified in applicable design documents.
5.6.2 Test procedures shall include or reference test objectives and provisions for assuring that the prerequisites for the given test have been met, that adequate instrumentation is available and used, and that necessary monitoring is performed.
5.6.3 Tested items shall he segregated from untested items. Identification of a rejected item shall he maintained until the item is repaired or scrapped.
Testing equipment and measuring devices shall he of the appropriate type. range, accuracy, and tolerance. Testing equipment shall be calibrated at the prescribed intervals or before use.
The handling, storage, and shipping of items shall he conducted in accordance with established procedures or specified instructions.
Documented procedures shall he established and maintai ned for implementing corrective and preventive actions. Statistical techniques may he used to verify the acceptability of process capability and product characteristics.
Corrective action includes:
a. Identifying, investigating, and documenting the cause of repetitive nonconformances related to product, process, and! or quality system, and recording the results.
h. Determining and implementing corrective action needed to eliminate cause of nonconformances.
c. Using appropriate sources of information (e.g., processes, work operations, audit results, quality records, etc.) to detect, analyze and eliminate potential causes of nonconformances.
The manufacturer’s quality assurance group shall perform periodic audits to verify compliance with the quality assurance program. The audit results shall he documented and shall be reviewed by the responsible manufacturing management.
6 Valve Qualification
6.1.1 General assembly drawings of one valve size of each design for each pressure class shall he available to the test facility. These drawings shall show the construction, including stem-to-wedge, disk, ball, or plug connection; guides; bearings; stem seals: body joint, seat details and seal. They shall also include descriptions of the construction materials for all of the parts, including fasteners. The manufacturer shall also identify the trim and sealing materials used.
6.1 .2 If welding, including casting repair, was used in the manufacture of the valves being evaluated, the applicable qualification and procedure documents shall, upon request, he available for evaluation.
6.1.3 The manuticturer shall make available a tabulation of the sources from which castings and forgings used for bodies, bonnets, covers, and closure elements.

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