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API TR 17TR1:2003 pdf download

API TR 17TR1:2003 pdf download.Evaluation Standard for Internal Pressure Sheath Polymers for High Temperature Flexible Pipes.
This section describes the methodology employed for the evaluation of polymeric materials for high temperature flexible pipe applications. This methodology involves the evaluation of a candidate polymer material against a set of perfhrmance criteria, which are identified from application-specific service conditions.
An overview of the evaluation methodology is presented in Figure 2.
5.2.1 Candidate Materials
A candidate polymer is initially identified as being suitable for use as an internal pressure sheath on the basis of available property information. The relevant material characteristics have been categorised in APi Spec 17J jilasfollows:
c. Mechanical
d. Physical/thermal
e. HP permeation characteristics
f. Compatibility and ageing
The cost, availability and processability of candidate polymers are also relevant in determining their suitability for flexible pipe service.
5.2.2 Service Application
5.2.2. 1 The service applicatioiz for the pipe will be characterised by the internal temperature and pressure, transported fluids and the mechanical loading environment. The service application can consist of:
a) the service loads specific to a particular pipe application, or
b) a set of envelopes which may relate to predicted service conditions.
5.2 .2 .3 The parameters that will be used during the evaluation test programme will be defined from the service conditions that the pipe is expected to experience flexible pipe may be developed based on a global design base case or field experience and projected service conditions.
5.2.3 Performance Criteria
5.2.3. 1 In order to assess the performance of a candidate polymer in relation to the required service application, it is necessary to identify a set of performance requirements or peifonnance criteria which should define the material properties required of the candidate polymer. Performance criteria are defined in Section 7 of this document.
5.2.4 Evaluation Test Programme Depending on the quality of available validated test data, and the service application under consideration, a decision has to be made as to whether a low cost preliminary evaluation test pro grainme is required as a precursor to the full evaluation test programme. The liii 1 evaluation programme will typically involve more extensive longer-term testing. Further guidance on preliminary and full evaluation test programmes is presented in Section 6.
5 .2.4.2 With agreement between relevant parties, the information used for preliminary evaluation of a candidate polymer does not have to originate from test methods described in this standard. However, such data may not be used as a substitute for validated test data in the full evaluation test programme.
5.2.5 Material Evaluation
The final step in the evaluation process is the comparison of test results with the performance criteria. This will indicate whether the candidate material is suitable for the proposed pipe application. Even if the material fails at this stage it is not automatically precluded from future pipe service:
design modifications to the pipe cross-section and/or a reduced qualification envelope are situations which may justify its future consideration. The material evaluation process is described in more detail in Section 7.
The evaluation of a candidate polymer may be performed on two levels; preliminary evaluation and fit/i evaluation. Annexe B contains the general test protocols for the eval nation test programme. Mechanical, time-dependent and physico-chemical test methods which are applicable to this standard are fully described in Annexes C and D; standard test procedures are referred to where relevant.
6.2. 1 Evaluation of material performance will involve using appropriate tests to quantify material properties and performance-related characteristics which are relevant to the application. This involves the definition of a set of material tests and the identification of the critical properties to be measured. The test methods required for materials evaluation include both published international standard tests and other relevant performance-related tests.
6.2.2 Table 4 lists the test methods which are used in the preliminary and full stages of evaluation. For all tests, the measured properties on which performance is evaluated are also presented. Pertinent information about each test is presented briefly in the sections below.
6 . 2 . 3 Testing over a range of temperatures requires that sample temperature be equal to test temperature. Accordingly, the temperature sensor should be located as close as possible to the testpiece failure site; see Annexe B.

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