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API STD 607:2005 pdf download

API STD 607:2005 pdf download.Testing of Valves-Fire Type testing Requirements.
However, the test shall be stopped if the system pressure relief device described in activates.
5 Firetestmethod
5.1 General warning
Fire testing of valves is potentially hazardous and it is essential that the safety of personnel be given prime consideration. Given the nature of the fire test and the possibility of weaknesses in the design of the test valve and test equipment, hazardous rupture of the pressure boundary could occur. Adequate shields in the area of the test enclosure and other appropriate means for the protection of personnel are necessary.
5.2 Principle
A closed valve completely filled with water under pressure is completely enveloped in flames with an environmental temperature in the region of the valve of 750 °C to 1 000 °C for a period of 30 mm. The objective is to completely envelop the valve in flames to assure that the seat and sealing areas are exposed to the high burn temperature. The intensity of the heat input shall be monitored using thermocouples and calorimeter cubes as specified in 5.6.7 and 5.6.8. During this period the internal and external leakage is recorded. After cool-down from the fire test, the valve is hydrostatically tested to assess the pressure- containing capability of the valve shell, seats and seals.
5.3 Apparatus
5.3.1 General
The test equipment shall not subject the valve to externally applied stress affecting the results of the test.
Schematic diagrams of recommended systems for fire type-testing of valves are given in Figure 1.
Potential pipework-to-valve end connection joint leakage is not evaluated as part of the test and is not included in the allowable external leakage (see 6.3 and 6.6). For the purposes of this test, it may be necessary to modify these joints to eliminate leakage.
The test equipment shall be designed so that if the nominal diameter of the pipework situated immediately upstream of the test valve is larger than DN 25 or one-half the DN of the test valve, the pipework shall be enveloped in flames for a minimum distance of 150 mm from the test valve. The diameter of the upstream pipework shall be sufficient to deliver a flow rate in excess of the maximum allowable leak rate for the size of valve being tested.
The pipework downstream of the test valve shall be at least DN 15 and shall be inclined so that the downstream side is fully drained.
The flame source shall be at least 150 mm minimum away from the valve or any calorimeters, and should have sufficient capacity to completely envelop the valve in flames.
The enclosure containing the valve shall provide a horizontal clearance of a minimum of 150 mm between any part of the test valve and the enclosure, and the height of the enclosure above the top of the test valve shall be a minimum of 150 mm.
5.3.2 Specific apparatus Vapour trap to minimise the cooling effect of the upstream liquid. See Figure 1, (8). Industrial pressure measurement devices having a full-scale reading of between 1,5 and 4 times the pressure being measured. The accuracy of each test device used at any point on the scale shall be within 3 % of its maximum scale value for readings taken both up and down the scale with either increasing or decreasing pressure. See Figure 1, (7), (14). Calorimeter cubes made of carbon steel in accordance with the design and dimensions shown in Figure 2, with a thermocouple of the accuracy specified in, located in the centre of each cube. Calorimeter cubes shall be scale-free before exposure to the fire environment. Flame environment and valve body thermocouples of an accuracy at least equal to tolerance class 2 for type B or tolerance class 3 for other types as specified in IEC 60584-2. See Figure 1, (13). Containers of a size suitable for collecting the water leaked from the valve under test. See Figure 1, (18). Calibrated sight gauge or device for measuring the water used during the test. See Figure 1, (4). Calibrated device for measuring the leakage water collected during the test. Pressure relief provision, incorporated in the system, consisting of a pressure relief valve to relieve the test valve centre cavity pressure to the atmosphere, to protect against potential rupture of the valve if it is designed such that liquid can be trapped in the cavity. See Figure 1, (14).
The pressure relief valve setting shall be either that determined by the valve manufacturer from data obtained by hydrostatic pressure testing of valves of the same size and type as the fire-tested valve, or when pressure test data is not available, a setting not greater than 1,5 times the maximum permissible working pressure at 20 °C.
5.4 Test fluid
The test fluid used shall be water.
5.5 Test fuel
The test fuel shall be gaseous.
5.6 Procedure.

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