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API STD 622:2006 pdf download

API STD 622:2006 pdf download.Type Testing of Process Valve Packing for Fugitive Emissions.
a. Variation: less than ± 2% at 100 ppm.
b. Dynamic range: 1.0— 50,(XX) ppm.
c. Linear range: 1.0— 10,000 ppm.
d. Minimum detectable level (detined as 2 x the peak noise): 300 pph hexane
e. Maximum response time to reach final value: 3 seconds.
f. Maximum recovery time to return to 10% of initial value: 5 seconds
g. Sample flow rate at probe inlet: 0.30— 0.40 gal/mm (1.14— 1.51 1/mm)
4.2.3 The testing equipment shall be calibrated according to the manufacturer’s directions. A current record of test equipment calibration shall be maintained by the test facility.
4.2.4 The test equipment shall be inspected prior to each use to insure against ftuling of the detector probe. This shall he done to EPA Method 21, using an external calibration gas, with a known methane concentration.
4.3.1 Pre-qualification
Packing submitted for type testing shall be pre-qualified for use in temperatures —20°F to 1000°F (—29°C to 538°C). Any prequalification testing to confirm acceptability shall be documented and included with the final test report.
4.3.2 Packing Selection Test packing shall be selected at random from either:
a. A standard production lot as supplied by the manufacturer, or
b. Distributor stock. Test packing shall be 1/4 in. (6.3 mm) cross-section. Validation of a random selection process shall be provided to the testing facility.
4.3.3 Packing Installation
A qualified laboratory representative or technician shall install the packing according to the manufacturer’s standard installation instructions except that the maximum packing bolt stress shall not exceed 25.000 psi. (172,369 kPa). However, the packing stress (load) during the testing shall not exceed the packing manufacturer’s recommended maximum value. For all packing installations:
a. All test fixture components shall be thoroughly cleaned with acetone or equivalent solvent prior to testing.
h. Any reconditioned parts shall be inspected and shall comply with the requirements of 4.1.2.
c. Components shall be inspected for damage prior to assembly.
d. Caution shall be taken to avoid contact between the stem and gland.
c. Fasteners shall be lubricated.
t Gland (flange) height measured from a specific datum shall he recorded.
g. Special preparation of the packing or assembly components is prohibited.
4.4.1 Test Fluid
The test fluid used shall he dry methane gas, 97°/a minimum purity, subjected to a temperature range from ambient to 500°F (260°C) and pressures from 0 to 600 psig (Oto 4,237 kPa).
4.4.2 Mechanical and Thermal Cycling Packing shall he subject to a total of 1500 mechanical cycles and 3 thermal cycles per Figure 2. Mechanical and thermal cycling shall begin with the test fixture at ambient temperature.
500 PPMV.
a. Mechanical cycling shall he discontinued during any necessary adjustments.
b. The gland flange height shall be measured and recorded.
c. Continue test. Adjustments shall be reported as packing gland bolt torque values and as measured by recording the change in clearance between the gland flange and the top of the bonnet (reference dimension A* per Figures 1 and 4) or by a fixed height gauge. The gauge shall provide readout in 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) increments. Flats of adjustment shall be indicated by use of a line marked on the gland flange and gland nuts at the start of the test.
4.4.5 Recording and Documentation Fugitive emissions test results shall be provided on the Fugitive Emissions Test Report Summary provided in Appendix A.
a. Leak measurements shall be recorded at the beginning of the test and at established intervals throughout the test, as required per Figure 2.
b. The number of adjustments shall be recorded and the cycle number noted.
5 Corrosion Test
The corrosion test provides methods for evaluation of “cold” and “hot” corrosion caused by moisture in the packing. It also provides a means for evaluating the effect of inhibitor systems / valve stem metallurgy combinations with respect to corrosion rate and weight loss.
Packing sets submitted for corrosion testing shall have an accompanying materials analysis providing details for each style of packing contained in the set. Details shall include:
a. Primary material used in manufacture
h. Type of corrosion inhibitor(s)
c. Inhibitor content by weight
d. Method of application/distribution of inhibitors in/on the packing (i.e. active or passive)
e. Packing test specimen size shall be identical to that required for leak testing.

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