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API SPEC 2H:2007 pdf download

API SPEC 2H:2007 pdf download.Specification for Carbon Manganese Steel Plate for Offshore Structures.
S4.4 Location ‘?f Test Specimens. One test specimen shall he taken at the ingot axis or cast slab longitudinal centerline at its intersection with each edge or end of the plate.
S4.5 Preparation of Test Specimens. Specimens shall he prepared as follows:
a. Prolongations shall be joined to opposite surfaces of the plate being tested, with their axes coincident. The joining method used should be one which results in a minimal heat-affected-zone in the portion of the coupon being tested. Friction (inertia), stud, electron beam, or shielded metal-arc welding methods have proven to be suitable. Prolongation materials shall be selected so that failure shall occur in the plate portion of the specimen.
b. Specimens shall be machined to the form and dimensions of the 0.500 in. (12.5 mm) round specimen of Figure 4 of ASTM A370, except for the plate thickness less than 1 1/4 in. (32 mm) where the 0.350 in. (8.75 mm) test specimen may he used.
c. The full plate thickness shall be contained within the uniform section with no taper permitted. The length (“G” in Figure 4 of ASTM A370) of the cylindrical section of the test piece shall be adjusted as necessary to contain the plate thickness within a uniform diameter throughout the section.
S4.6 Testing. Tensile testing shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of ASTM A370.
S4.7 Acceptance Stanckirds. Standards for the acceptance of through-thickness testing shall he as follows:
a. Each tension test specimen shall exhibit a minimum reduction-of-area of 30%. If one of the two specimens from a plate is below 30%, hut not below 25%, a retest of two additional specimens from a location adjacent to the failed specimen shall he made, and both of these additional determinations shall equal or exceed 30%.
b. Minimum reduction-of-area limits higher than stated in S4.7a may be specified subject to agreement between the material manufacturer and the purchaser.
S4.8 Marking. Plates accepted in accordance with this procedure for through-thickness testing shall he identified by stamping or stenciling “Z” adjacent to marking otherwise required (i.e., API 2H-50Z).
S5 Low Sulfur Steel For Improved Through-Thickness Properties
S5.1 Intent. The intent of this supplementary requirement is to provide, by chemical control, plates with low levels of sulfide inclusions and thereby a reduction of the potential for lamellar tearing of the plate in the area of attachment welds.
S5.2 C’hemistr’ The steels shall conform to the requirements for chemical composition prescribed in Table 4. 1, except that the maximum content of sulfur on heat analysis shall he 0.006%.
S5.3 Thivugh-Thickness Testing. Through-thickness (Z-direction) tensile testing is not required by this supplementary requirement.
S5.4 Marking. Plates accepted in accordance with this supplementary requirement shall be identified by stamping “LS” adjacent to marking otherwise required (i.e., APi 2HXLS). Note: ‘X” refers to ‘G”, “N”, or “QT’ as required by 8.1 .c.
S7 Low Nitrogen Content For Improved Notch Toughness in Strain-Hardened Condition
S7.1 The nitrogen content shall be 0.009% maximum on heat analysis.
S8 Strain-Aged Charpy V-Notch Impact Tests
S8.1 Charpy V-notch impact test coupons representing the thickest and thinnest plate of each heat shall he uniformly strained 5%, or more if specified, in axial tension and aged at 480°F (250°C) for one hour at temperature prior to cutting the test specimens. The test results obtained from these specimens shall meet the requirements of Section 7.
S12 Notch Toughness Using Drop Weight
Si 2.1 Drop-Weight tests shall be conducted. One plate per 50 ton (45 t) lot or part thereof of the plates in each heat /8 inch (16 mm) or more in thickness shall be tested. The plate tested shall be the thickest gage in each 50 ton (45 t) lot.
Si 2.2 Drop-Weight tests shall he in accordance with ASTM E208 on two P-3 specimens from the selected plate(s). The spedmens shall he taken adjacent to the tensile test coupons and tested at —30°F (—35°C). Both specimens shall meet the “no break” criteria at the test temperature, and the results shall be reported.

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