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API SPEC 2Y:2006 pdf download

API SPEC 2Y:2006 pdf download.Specification for Steel Plates,Quenched-and-Tempered, for Offshore Structures.
By agreement between the purchaser and the material manufacturer, and when specified on the purchase order, the following Supplementary Requirements shall apply.
Si Ultrasonic Examination
Si .1 Pulse Echo ultrasonic examination shall be performed on each plate in accordance with ASTM Specification A 578/A 578 M Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Eva,mntition of Plain and Clad Steel Plates for Special Applications. Acceptance Standard—Level A shall he used. Any area where one or more discontinuities produce a continuous total loss of backwall reflection accompanied by continuous indications on the same plane that cannot he encompassed within a circle whose diameter is 3 in. (75mm) shall be cause for rejection.
S1.2 Examination reports shall be furnished for each plate, the areas with more than 50% loss of back reflection shall be located on the sketch.
S.1.3 Optionally, and with prior consultation and agreement, Level C inspection may be used.
S2 Notch Toughness Test at Lower Temperature
S2.i Notch toughness tests shall he made in accordance with the requirements of Section 7 or Supplementary
Requirement S12 and shall meet the requirements of Table S2-l in lieu of the requirements of Table 4 or Supplementary
Requirement S 12.2.
S2.2 Impact tests may be made at temperatures lower than those specified in Table 4 or Supplementary Requirement S 12.2 and other than those specified in Table S2- 1. The testing temperature shall be specified by the purchaser and agreed to by the material manufacturer.
S2.3 If the design condition requires a higher energy value, energy values higher than those stated in Table S2- 1 may be specified subject to agreement between the purchaser and the material manufacturer.
S3 Additional Tension Test
Two tension tests shall be taken from each plate as quenched and tempered. The test specimens shall be taken from a corner of the plate at both ends.
S4 Through-Thickness (Z-Direction) Testing
S4.1 This Supplementary Requirement covers the procedure and acceptance standards for the determination of reduction-of-area using a tension test specimen whose axis is normal to the surfaces of steel plates with nominal thickness 3/4 in. (19 mm) and greater. Definitions shall be in accordance with ASTM A 370.
S4.2 Number f Test Specii;iens. Two tests shall he taken from each plate as-rolled (parent plate).
S4.3 Orientation f Test Specimens. The longitudinal axis of the test specimens shall he perpendicular to the surface of the plate.
S4.4 Location of Test Specimens. One test specimen shall be taken at the ingot axis or cast slab longitudinal centerline at its intersection with each edge or end of the plate.
S4.5 Preparation of’Te.st Specimens. Specimens shall he prepared as follows:
a. Prolongations shall he joined to opposite surfaces of the plate being tested, with their axes coincident. The joining method used should he one which results in a minimal heat-affected-zone in the portion of the plate being tested.
S8 Strain-Aged Charpy V-Notch Impact Tests
S8.i Charpy V-notch impact test coupons representing the thickest and thinnest plate of each heat shall be uniformly strained 5%, or more if specified. in axial tension and aged at 480°F (250°C) for one hour at temperature prior to cutting the test specimens. The test results shall meet the requirements of Section 7.
S9 Simulations of Postweld Heat Treatment
S9.i A second set of test coupons shall be subjected to a simulated postweld heat treatment provided by the purchaser that is representative of the thermal treatment to which the material will he subjected during fabrication. The temperature range, time at temperature, and cooling rates shall be as specified on the order.
SlO Hardness Testing
Si 0.1 This Supplementary Requirement covers the procedure and acceptance standards for surface hardness testing of steel plates furnished under this specification.
Si 0.2 The hardness test shall be made by the Brinell hardness method as described in ASTM E 10 using a 301)0 kg load. By agreement, other hardness test methods may be used and their measurement converted to Brinell values. The hardness measurement shall be made on both top and bottom surfaces of specimens removed from one corner at each end of the plate as produced. The mill surface and any decarburized layer shall be removed prior to testing. Not less than four hardness measurements shall be made on each plate, all of which must lie within the acceptance limits shown below. If any individual measurement is outside the acceptance limits shown below, two additional measurements may be performed adjacent to the original impression. Both of the new measurements must comply with the acceptance limit in order to invalidate the original measurement.

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