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API Spec 16D:2004 pdf download

API Spec 16D:2004 pdf download.Specification for Control Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment and Control Systems for Diverter Equipment.
4. Mini or Auxiliary Remote Panel (Toolpusher’s Panel)—A full or limited function panel mounted in a remote location for use as an emergency backup.
3.28 control pod: The assemblage of valves and pressure regulators which respond to control signals to direct hydraulic power fluid through assigned porting to operate functions.
3.29 control valve (surface control system): A valve mounted on the hydraulic manifold which directs hydraulic power fluid to the selected function (such as annular BOP close) while simultaneously venting the opposite function (annular BOP open).
3.30 control valve (subsea control system): A pilot operated valve in the subsea control pod that directs power fluid to operate a function.
3.31 dedicated: An element or system that is exclusively used thr a specific purpose.
3.32 disarm: To disable the operation of a critical function or functions.
3.33 disconnect:
I. Unlatch and separation of the LMRP connector from its mandrel.
2. Unlatch and separation of the BOP stack connector from the wellhead.
3.34 discrete hydraulic control system: A system utilizing pilot hoses to transmit hydraulic pressure signals to activate pilot-operated valves assigned to functions.
3.35 diverter: A device attached to the wellhead or marine riser to close the vertical flow path and direct well flow (typically shallow gas) into a vent line away from the rig.
3.36 drift-off: An unintended lateral move of a dynamically positioned vessel off of its intended location relative to the well- head, generally caused by loss of station keeping control or propulsion.
3.37 drive-off: An unintended lateral move of a dynamically positioned vessel off its location driven by the vessel’s main propulsion or station keeping thrusters.
3.38 “dunking” transducer: A portable hydrophone.
3.39 dynamic positioning (automatic station keeping): A computerized means of maintaining a vessel on location by selectively driving thrusters.
3.40 electric pump: An electrically driven hydraulic pump, usually a three-plunger (triplex) pump.
3.41 electro-hydraulic (EH) control system: A system utilizing electrical conductor wires in an armored subsea umbilical cable to transmit command signals to solenoid-operated valves which in turn activate pilot-operated control valves assigned to functions.
Note: One pair of wires is dedicated to each function.
3.42 factory acceptance testing: Testing by a manufacturer of a particular product to validate its conformance to performance specifications and ratings.
3.43 function: Operation of a BOP, choke or kill valve or other component, in one direction (example, closing the blind rams is a function, opening the blind rams is a separate function).
3.44 hose bundle: See control hose bundle.
3.45 hydraulic conduit: An auxiliary line on a marine drilling riser used for transmission of control fluid between the surface and the subsea BOP stack.
3.46 hydraulic connector: A mechanical connector that is activated hydraulically and connects the BOP stack to the wellhead or the LMRP to the BOP stack.
3.47 hydrophone: An underwater listening device that converts acoustic energy to electric signals or converts electric signals to acoustic energy for acoustic transmission.
3.48 interf low: The control fluid lost (vented) during the travel of the piston in a control valve during the interval when the control valve’s inlet and vent points are temporarily interconnected.
3.49 jumper: A segment of hose or cable used to make a connection such as a hose reel junction box to the control manifold.
3.50 junction box (J-box) (electrical): An enclosure used to house the termination points of electrical cables and components that may also contain electrical components required for system operation.
3.51 junction box (J-box) (hydraulic or pneumatic): A bolt-on plate having multiple stab-type terminal fittings used for quick connection of the multi-hose bundle to a pod, hose reel or manifold.
3.52 kill line: A high-pressure line from the mud pumps to a connection below a BOP that allows fluid to he pumped into the well or annulus with the BOP closed during well control operations.
3.53 LMRP (lower marine riser package): The upper section of a two-section subsea BOP stack consisting of the hydraulic connector, annular BOP(s), flex/hall joint, riser adapter, flexible choke and kill lines, and subsea control pods.
Note: This interfaces with the lower subsea BOP stack.
3.54 limit switch: A hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical switch that indicates the motion or position of a device.
3.55 manifold: An assemblage of pipe, valves, and fittings by which fluid from one or more sources is selectively directed to various systems or components.

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