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API RP 75:2004 pdf download

API RP 75:2004 pdf download.Recommended Practice forDevelopment of a Safety and Environmental Management Program for Offshore Operations and Facilities.
The elements of these recommended practices should he applied to these facilities, as appropriate. For simple and nearly identical facilities (such as well jackets and single well caissons), certain elements of the safety and environmental management program, as applicable, need he addressed only once, after verifying that site specific deviations have been evaluated.
When actions are taken in accordance with this recommended practice, such actions should conform to the most current requirements of applicable federal, state, local regulations, or flag State requirements.
It is recognized that some safety and environmental management systems may have been developed using guidelines of other organizations which may be more appropriate for certain applications (e.g., the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) International Safety Management (ISM) Code for vessel operations). In assessing these systems against this recommended practice the focus should be on assuring the necessary program elements are addressed, not the format or order of the system documentation.
1 .3.1 .2 The operator should establish and maintain a procedure to identify the environmental impacts of its activities. products or services that it can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence, in order to determine those which can be expected to have or can have significant impacts on the environment. These should include “toxics”, “flammables”, and “other material” as described in 1 .3. 1 .3 and 1 .3. 1 .4. Consideration should be given to performing the hazard analysis in accordance with API RP 14J, if applicable. Toxic substances sometimes handled in OCS operations include hydrogen sulfide (H2S), chlorine (Cl,), and ammonia (NH3). The following are examples of facilities other than oil, gas, and sulphur extraction facilities to which this recommended practice also may he applicable:
a. Offshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities
b. Hydrogen sulfide and sulphur recovery facilities.
c. Chlorine handling and storage facilities.
d. Ammonia storage and refrigeration facilities. Due to their thermal, physical, or chemical properties, other materials handled in ofEshore operations may constitute a safety or environmental hazard if released in an uncontrolled manner. Such substances include steam, hot water, certain chemicals, heat transfer fluids, molten sulphur, and naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM).
The operator should establish and maintain a procedure to identify and have access to the references and regulations discussed in 1.5.1 and 1.5.2.
1.5.1 Industry Codes, Practices, and Standards
Codes, practices and standards, useful in the design, fabrication, installation, layout, operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of facilities are listed in Appendix B. These references are not to he considered a part of this recommended practice except for those specific sections of documents referenced elsewhere in this recommended practice.
1.5.2 Government Codes, Rules, Conventions, and Regulations
Govern mental regulatory agencies, including federal, state, municipal and local, have established certain requirements for the design, fabrication, installation, layout, and operation of facilities. These requirements may influence the design, fabrication, installation, layout, testing, inspection, maintenance, and operation of facilities..
Governmental regulations can change frequently and should be monitored as part of the management program. Environmental management relies on compliance with these regulations and an understanding of the substances that are present in the process and associated discharge streams.
1.5.3 References
Numerous textbooks, references, and technical articles have been written on the design, fabrication, installation, layout, and safety analysis of offshore production facilities. A partial list of the references that have substantial acceptance by industry and govern mental bodies are listed in Appendix C.

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