API 1104:2005 pdf download
API 1104:2005 pdf download.Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities.
3 Definition of Terms
The wckling icnns u.scd in this standard arc as defined in AWS A3.O. with the additions and inedilications given in 3.2.
3.2.1 automatic welding: An: welding with equipnient that perfornis the entire welding operation without manual manipulation ol the an: or clectnwi.c other than guiding or tracking and without a manual welding-skill requirement of the operator.
3.2.2 branch weld: fl cuaipktesl weld joining a branch pipe or branch tilting tO a run pipe.
3.2.3 company: The owner company or the enginecting agency in charge of construction. The company may act through an inspector or another authorized repn:sentative.
3.2.4 contractor: Includes the primary contiactor and any subcontractors engaged in woi$ cosen:d by this standard.
3.2.5 defect: An imperfection of suflicient magniwde to warrant rejection bascd on the stipulations in this standard.
3.2.6 imperfection: A discontinuity or irregularity that is dotcetabic by methods outlined in this standard.
3.2.7 IndIcation: Evidcncc obtained by nondestructive testing.
3.2.8 internal concavity: A bead that i’. properly fused to and completely penetrates the pipe wail thickness along both sides of the bevel, hut whose center k somewhat below the inside surface of the pipe wall. The magnitude of concavity is the perpendicular distancc between an asial extension of the pipe wall surfice and the lowest point on the weld bead surface.
3.2.9 mechanIzed welding: A pmcess where purametem and ioreh guidance are controlled mechanically or dec. tronically but may be manually varied during wclding to maintain the specified welding conditions.
3.2.10 position welding: VieWing in which the pipe or a-.scmbly o not rotating while the weld is bcing deposited.
3.2.11 qualIfied welder: A welder who has demonsuated the ability to pnxhice welds that mcci the requiremcnts of Sections 5 or 6.
3.2.12 qualified welding procedure: A tested and proven detailed method by which sound welds with suitable mechanical properties can be produced.
3.2.13 radiographer: A person who pciiøcnis radiographic operations.
3.2.14 repair: Any rewurl. on a completed weld that requires wcldint to correct a butt in the weld that has been discovered by s isual or nondestructive testing isixl is beyond this standard’s limits of acceptability.
3.2.15 roll welding: Welding in which the pipe or assembly is rotated while the weld metal is being deposited at or near the top center.
3.2.16 root bead: The first or stringer bead that initially joins two scctiofls of pipe, a section of pipe to a fitting. or two titting
3.2.17 semiautomatic welding: AR- welding with equipment that controls only the tiller-metal feed. The ads ance of the welding is manually controlled.
3.2.18 shall: Term that indicates a mandatory requirement. The term should indicates a recommended practice.
3.2.19 weld: The completed weld joining two sections of pipe, a section of pipe to a lining, or two fittings.
3.2.20 welder: A person who makes a weld.
4 Specifications
Welding equipment. both gas and ale, shall tie of a size and type suitable for the work and shall be maintained in a condition that ensures acceptable welds, continuity of operation. and sorety of personnel. Arc-welding equipment shall be operated within the amperage and voltage ranges given in the qualified welding procedure. Gas-welding equipment shall be operated with the flame characteristics and tip sizes given in the qualified welding procedure. Equipment thai does not meet these requirements shall be repaired or replaced.