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SAE J2022 pdf download

SAE J2022 pdf download.Classification, Nomenclature, and Specification Definitions for Horizontal Earthboring Machines.
This SAE Standard applies to horizontal earthboring machines of the following types:
a. Auger Boring Machines
b. Rod Pushers
c. Rotary Rod Machines
d. Impact Machines
e. Direchonal BonngIDrilling Machines
The illustrations used are fo classification and are not intended to resemble a particular machine. Only basic working dimensions are given They may be supplemented by the machine manufacturer. This document is based on existing commercial horizontal earthbonng machines.
This document does not apply to specialized mining machinery in SAE J1116, conveyors. tunnel boring machines, pçe jacking systems, and microtunnelers.
1.1 Purpose—The purpose of this document is to encourage common terminology of machine types, component names, and definibons of working specifications for horizontal earthboring machines.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE Pu8uCATI0NS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive. Warrendale. PA 15096-0001.
SAE TSB 003—Rules for SAE Use of SI (Metric) Units
SAE Ji 116—Categories of Oft-Road SelfPropelIed Work Machines
SAE J1233—Commercial Literature Specifications—Off-Road Work Machines
SAE Ji 234—Specification Definitions—Oft-Road Work Machines
SAE J1349—Engine Power Test Code—Spark Ignition and Compression Ignition—Net Power Rating
3. Definitions
3.1 Horizontal Earthboring Machines—A machine used to boi’e honzontally through the earth by means of a rotating tool, or nonrotating pushing o piercing tool.
3.2 Bore—A generally horizontal hole produced underground primarily (or the purpose of installing services.
•3.3 Auger Boring Machine—A machine used to drill earth horizontally by means of a cutting head and auger or other functionally similar device. The machine may be either cradle or track type.
•3.4 Rod Pusher—A machine that pushes or pulls a rod or pipe to produce a bore by means of compaction without rotation or impact.
3.5 Rotary Rod Machines—A machine used to drill earth horizontally by means of a compaction bit or a cutting head attached to a rotating rod (not an auger). Such drilling may include fluid injection to the cutting head through a hollow rod.
3.6 Impact Machines—A type of machine that pierces the earth (piercing tool) or rams an object to produce a bore (ramming machine).
3.7 DirectIonal Boring.Drllling Machines—A machine which can launch a steerable cutting head attached to the end of a rotating drill pipe string used for boring through the earth in a horizontal direction. Boring most generally includes fluid injection to the cutting head through the drill pipe and also generally includes enlarging the bore with a back reamer.
4. Machine Classifications
4.1 Auger Boring Machine (Track and Cradle Types)
41.1 TRACK TYPE Nomenciature—(Refer to Figure 1.)
NOTE—Some items shown may not be standard equipment.
I4.1,1.2 Dimensional Terms—Refer to SAE J 1234 for general measurement conditions and description of basic dimensions. Units of measure are to be stated as prescribed in SAE J1233 and TSB OO3 e.g.. millimeters
(Inches). Overall Machine Length (L)—Distance between the back of the master track vertical plane and the front of the extension track vertical plane. Overall Machine Height (H)—Distance between horizontal ground plane of track, to the highest horizontal line on the machine.
41 1.2.3 Overall Machine Width (W)—Distance between vertical planes parallel to the machine’s longitudinal axis and passing through the farthest point on the sides of the machine. CenterlIne (C)—Distance between the center of drive chuck and the bottom of the track. Maximum Diameter (D)—t.argest outside casing diameter that can be thrust by the machine. Pit Size—Minimum pit width and length for the machine.

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