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SAE J852 pdf download

SAE J852 pdf download.(R)Front Cornering Lamps for Use on Motor Vehicles.
1. This SAE Recommended Practice provides test procedures, performance requirements, and guidelines for front cornering lamps intended for use on motor vehicles.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specilication to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PuBucATioNs—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale. PA 15096-0001.
SAE J567—Lamp Bulb Retention System
SAE J575—Tests for Motor Vehicle Lighting Devices and Components
SAE J576—Plastic Material for Use in Optical Parts Such as Lenses and Reflectors of Motor Vehicle Lighting Devices
SAE J578—Color Specifications for Electric Signal Lighting Devices
SAE J759—Lighting Identification Code
3. Definitions
3.1 Front CornerIng Lamps—Steady burning lamps used in conjunction with the turn signal system to supplement the headlamps by providing additional illumination in the direction of turn. They may be used independent of the turn signal to ease maneuvering at very low speeds.
4. Identification Code Designation—Front cornering lamps meeting the performance requirements of this document may be identified by the code K in accordance with SAF J759.
5. Tests
5.1 SAE J575 is a part of this document. The following tests are applicable with the modifications as indicated.
5.1.5 PHOTOMETRy TEST—In addition to the test procedures in SAE J575. the tollowing apply: Photometry measurements shall be made with the light source of the lamp at least 3 m from the photometer. The H-V axis shall be taken as the horizontal line through the light source and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle.
5.2 Color Test—SAE J578 is a part of this document.
5.3 Plastic Materlals—SAE J576 is a part of this document.
6. Requirements
6.1 Performance Requirements—A device tested in accordance with the test procedure specified in Section 5 shall meet the following requirements:
6.1.1 VIBRATI0N—SAE J575
6.1.2 M0ISTuRE—SAE J575
6.1.3 DUST ExPosuRE—SAE J575
6.1.5 PHOT0METRV—SAE J575—The lamp shall be designed to conform to the photometry requirements contained in Table 1.
NOTE—Test points shown are for a lamp mounted on the left side of the vehicle — L and H designations in Table 1 should be reversed for a lamp mounted on the right side of the vehicle- Refer to Figure 1 for Test Point Orientation.
6.1.7 CoLOR REQUIREMENTs—The color of the light from a front cornering lamp shall be white to yellow as specified in SAEJ578.
6.2Material Requirements—Plastic materials used in optical parts shall meet the requirements of SAE J576.7. Guidelines—The following guidelines apply to front cornering lamps as used on motor vehicles and should not be considered part of the requirements.
7.1The front cornering lamps are intended for use only when the headlamps are operational.
7.2Cornering lamp activation should coincide with turn signal activation to provide illumination in the direction of the intended turn.
7.3 Cornering lamps may be deactivated at high vehicle speed (lane change maneuver) or while stopped, to avoid discomfort to other road users.
7.4Cornering lamp may be activated by steering angle.
7.5 Location Requirements—The mounting height of the front cornering lamps shall be from 305 mm to 760 mm above the ground as measured from the optical center of the lamp on an unloaded vehicle.
7.6For requirements and gauges to be used in socket designs, refer to SAEJ567.

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