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SAE J2373 pdf download

SAE J2373 pdf download.Stakeholders Workshop lnformation Report.
Task B: Spatial Data Interoperability Protocol for ITS Project – Location Reference Message Specification:
Revision B (MDI), May 22, 1997. Goodwin, C., Siegel, 0. and Gordon, S.
Task C: Spatial Data Interoperabilily Protocol For ITS Project – The ITS Datum Preliminary Data Structure and Content, February 25, 1996, Goodwin, C., Siegel, 0. and Gordon, S
Task C: Spatial Data lnteroperabd.ty Protocol For ITS Project – ITS Datum Final Design Report, June 28, 1996, Goodwin, C.. Siegel. D and Gordon, S.
Task A3: Nationwide Map Database arid Location Referencing System Project — Functional Requwements for National Map Databases for ITS. December 31, 1994. Goodwin, C., Xiong. D. and Gordon, S.
Task B3: Nationwide Map Database and Location Referencing System Project — Technical Requirements for National Map Databases for ITS. July 31. 1995, Goodwin, C., Gordon, S.
Task Fl: Nationwide Map Database and Location Referencing System Project — Recommendation for Location Referencing for ITS. December 31, 1994. GoodwIn. C., Xlong, 0. and Gordon, S.
2.22 NA11ONAL INSTITUTE Of SCIENCE ANO Ttci*iotoov (NIST) DOcuMENT—Available from NIST. FIPS PUB 173. U.S. Government Printing Office, National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce, SpflngfieldVA 22161
FIPS PUB 173- Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS). 1992
2.2.3 INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SOC€TY (ITS) OF AMEmCA DocuMENTS—Available from ITS America, 400 Wginia Avenue, SW, Suite 800. Washington, DC 20024-2730
U.S. National Architecture Program doaments on world-wide web –
2.2.4 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BoARD PI,mucATIoP—Available from Transportation Research Board. 2101 Constitution Ave. NW. Washington, DC 20418
Transportation Research Circular 412— Primer on Intelbgent Vehicle Highway Systems. 1993.
Cherveny. Kevin. 1997. Technical Response to ITS Datum Prototype Final Desçn RePOIt’ Memorandum dated AprIl 1. 1997. 6pp
Fletcher, David. Espinoza, John, Macioy, R.D., Gordon, Stephen, Spear. Bruce. and Vonderohe. Alan:
The Case for a Unified Linear Reference System; Proceedinos. Enteronse Location Referencina
Systems: Policies. Procedures and Standards for Imolementation Workshoo;” Salt Lake City, Utah:
July 1996
Goodwin, Cec W H., Dave Siegel. Stephen R. Gordon, and Demin Xiong; Recommendation for Location Referencing for ITS Needs. Task Fl: Nationwide Map Database and Location Referencing System Project, United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration Office of Safety and Traffic Operations. ITS Research Division, Contract DTFH61-91-Y-30066, Draft. June 30, 1995, 78pp
Goodwin, Cecil W. H, David Siegel, and Stephen R. Gordon. ‘Location Reference Message Specification:
Final Deslgn, Task B: Spatial Data Interoperability Protocol For ITS Project, United States Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration Office of Safety and Traffic Operations, ITS Research Division, Contract 61-94-Y-00001. Draft, June 28. 1996.40 pp
Gordon. Stephen R.. Cecil W.H. Goodwin, and Demin Xiong, 1994; ‘Final Report on Status of SpatiaL/Map
Databases, Report by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for U.S.OOT, FHWA. Office of Safety and
Traffic Operations IVHS Research Division project ‘Nationwide Map Database and Location
Referencing System’, June. 1994. 133 pp
Haas, R. P., J.W. Lau, C.W. Goodwin, S.R. Gordon: location Referencing Message Specification Test Report Version 1.0. July23, 1998
3,10 GPS—GiobaI Position System A positioning system that rebes on TDOA (time-distance of arrival) measurement of signals from GPS satellites to determine geographic location and other dynamic parameters for a receiver.
3,11 ILOC—Intersectlon Location, A proposed European method of location referencing that specifies an intersection location based on geographic coordinates and ancillary roadway Information.
3.12 Information Service Provider (ISP)—ln the context of the LRMS, a public or private entity which may be responsible for gathering, fusing, analyzing, andfor reporting transportation related information to users, incfoding vehicles and non-mobile users.
3.13 InterpolatIon—A mathematical or geometnc method of determining the value of a variable between two points with known values.
3.14 Intersection—In GDF. a complex feature, made up of a set of features sud, as ‘Road Elements’ and ‘Junctions,’ An intersection may be a simple inction of Iwo roads, or may consist of more than two roads and entrance and exit ramps, Intersections may be planar (topologically connected in the same plane) or non- planar (not topologicalty connected), such as a flyover.
3.15 IOM—lntersection ObØct Model. An ITS Datum term referring to a complex object model of an intersection, similar to a GDF complex intersection featixe.
3.16 ISO—International Standards Organization.
3.17 ISO API—The ISO Application Programming Interface standard for data acoess to ITS databases
3.18 ISO GDF—The ISO Geographic Date File standard for exchange of ITS databases.
3.19 ISO PSF—The ISO Physical Storage Format standard for storage of ITS databases on physical media.
3.20 ITS Datum—A set of well-known and located ground control points on transportation networks
3.21 ITS User Services—The dassafication of ITS user applications into 31 categories, such as Incident Management (IM).
3.22 JunctIon—tn GDF, a feature that bounds road elements (or ferry connections). A road element is always bounded by exactly two junctions A junction feature represents the physical connection between adjoining road elements.
3.23 Linear datum—A set of well-known and located points used to register linear referencing networks to one another.

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