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SAE AMS 5352D pdf download

SAE AMS 5352D pdf download.Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Investment Castings 17Cr – 0.55Mo (0.95 -1.20C) Annealed.
1.1 Form:
This specification covers a corrosion resistant steel in the form of investment castings.
1.2 Application:
These castings have been used typically for parts requiring hardness up to 58 HRC and having resistance to corrosion and to wear, but usage is not limited to such applications. Optimum corrosion resistance is obtained by hardenin9 from 1850 to 1950 °F (1010 to 1066 °C) and tempering at not higher than 800 °F (427 DC).
The issue of the following documents in effect on the date of the purchase order forms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The supplier may work to a subsequent revision of a document unless a specific document issue is specified. When the referenced document has been canceled and no superseding document has been specified. the last published issue of that document shall apply.
2.1 SAE Publications:
Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.
AMS 2248 Chemical Check Analysis Limits, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steels and Alloys, Maraging and Other Highly-Alloyed Steels, and Iron Alloys
AMS 2694 Repair Welding of Aerospace Castings
AMS 2804 Identification. Castings
3.2 Melting Practice:
Castings and specimens shall be poured at casting vendor’s facility either from a melt (See 8.2.4) of a master heat, or directly from a master heat (See 8.2.5),
3.2.1 Revert (gates, sprues, risers, and rejected castings) may be used only in the preparation of master heats; revert shall not be remelted directly without refining for pouring of castings. Melting revert creates a new master heat.
3.2.2 Portions of two or more qualified master heats (See 3.4.2) may be melted together and poured into castings using a procedure authonzed by purchaser (See 8.2.6).
3.2.3 If modifications, such as alloy additions or replenishments (See 8.2.10), are made by the vendor at remelt. vendor shall have a written procedure acceptable to purchaser which defines the controls. test, and traceability criteria for both castings and separately-cast specimens. Control factors of shall apply.
3.3 Condition:
Castings shall be delivered in the annealed condition.
3.4 Test Specimens:
Specimens shall be separately-cast, integrally-cast (See 8.2.7), or machined from a casting. and shall conform to 3.2.
3.4.1 If specimens are separately-cast, vendor shall have a written procedure acceptable to purchaser. Control factors of shall apply.
3.4.2 Each master heat shall be qualified by evaluation of chemical and hardness specimens. If alloy additions or replenishments are made at remelt as in 3.2.3, the frequency of sampling and testing used by the vendor br qualification to 3.4.2 shall be acceptable to purchaser.
3.4.3 Chemical Analysis Specimens: Shall be of any convenient size and shape.
3.4.4 Hardness Specimens for Response to Heat Treatment: May be a representative specimen or a casting.
3.5 Heat Treatment:
Castings or representative test specimens shall be annealed to conform to the requirements of 3.6.1.
3.5.1 Response to Heat Treatment: Castings or representative test specimens shall be annealed as In 3.5 and shall be heat treated as follows for subsequent testing to demonstrate response to heat treatment. Hardening: Heat to 1875°F ±25(1024 °C ± 14), hold at heat for not less than 30 minutes, and cool at a rate equivalent to cooling in still air.
3.6 Properties:
3,6.1 Hardness: Shall be as follows, determined in accordance with ASTM E 18. Hardness of Production Castings: Shall be not higher than 30 HRC, or equivalent (See 8.3) for the annealed condition.
3,6.1.2 Hardness as a Response to Heat Treatment: Castings and representative specimens, annealed and hardened to the condition of, shall have a hardness not lower than 58 HRC, or equivalent (See 8.3).
3.6.2 Decarburization: Shall be not greater than 0.005 inches (0.13 mm). determined on castings or representative specimens annealed in a production heat treat load.
3,6.2.1 Decarburizahon shall be measured by the microscopic method, by HR3ON scale hardness testing method, or by microhardness traverse method on a hardened but untempered specimen protected during heat treatment to prevent changes In surface carbon content. Depth of decarburization. when measured by a hardness method, is defined as the perpendicular distance from the surface to the depth under that surface below which there is no further increase in hardness. Such measurements shall be far enough from any adjacent surface to be uninfluenced by decarburization on the adjacent surface. In case of dispute, the depth of decarbunzation determined using the microhardness traverse method shall govern.

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