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SAE J24714 pdf download

SAE J24714 pdf download.Fluid Systems—Connector Tubes—General Specification and Part Standard.
This SAE Standard identifies the material and dimensional requwements for component connector tubes and related items for use in fluid power components. Connector tubes are also identified as quills, ferrules or transfer tubes. Connector tubes are used to connect fluid passages within a component or to connect one component to another for example, connecting control valves to subplates. Related items include plugs. undnlled connector tubes and connector tiAes for internal deck valves and restrictors.
1.1 FIeld of Application—While used on many high-pressure hydraulc component applocabons, connector tubes are suitable for use in a wide application of fluid system components. Connector tubes and related components covered in this document are considered suitable for maximum operating pressures of 21 MPa (3045 psi). (See 5.3)
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The latest ssue of the documenls shall be used except in those cases where an invitation for bid or procurement contract specifically identifies the issues In effect on a particular date. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence.
2.1.1 SAE PusucATioNs—Available from SAE. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096.0001 Web site. www.sae.org Telephone: (724)476.4970.
AMS-0O-P-35—Pass,vation Treatments for Corrosion-Resistant Steel
AMS-OO-A-20018—-Aluminum Alloy 6061. Bar Rod, Shapes: Tube and WEe, Extruded
AMS-0O-A-22518—Aluminurri Alloy 6061, Bar, Rod. Wire, and Special Shapes; Rolled. Drawn, or Cold Finished
AMS-QO-S-763—-Steel Bars. Wire, Shapes, and Forgings; Corrosion Resistant
AMS 4926—Titanium Alloy Bars. Wire Forgings. and Rings, 6 Al – 4V, Annealed
AMS 2470—Anodic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys, Chron’ilc Acid Process
AMS 5647—Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Bars, Wire. Forgings. Tubing, and Rings, 19Cr — 9.SNi Solution Heat Treated
AS 478—Identification Marking Meihods
AS 568—Aerospace Size Standard for 0-rings
AS 4716—Gland Design, 0-Ring Packings, And Other Elastomeric Seals
HS-1086–Metals 8 Alloys in the Unified Numbering System
2.12 ASTM Pi.LIcATIoNs—AYaiLable from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken. PA 19428-2959. Web site: www.astm.org Telephone: (610)-832-4585
ASTM A 582/A 582 M—Staridard Specification lot Free-Mach4ning Steel Bars
2.1.3 ASME PuBL.cATIors—Avallable from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 Law Drive. Box
2300. Fairfield. NJ 07007-2300. Web site: www.asme.org Telephone: 1-800-843-2763 or 973-882-1167
ASME Y14.5.—Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Engineering Drawings
ASME H35. 1—Alloy and Temper Designation Systems for Alumanum
ASME 846. 1—Surface Texture (Surface Roughness, Waviness, and Lay)
2.14 ASO PueucAf ioNs—Available from the American Society for Quality Control. P.O. Box 3005. Milwaukee, WI
ALSO ZI .4—Sampling Procedures end Tables for Inspection by Attributes (ANSI Z1 .4)
2.1.5 MIUTARY PuaLicArIoNs—Avaliable from 000SSP, Subscription Services Desk. Building 40, 704) Robbins Avenue. Philadelphia. PA 19111-5094. Web site: http:Ilassist.daps.mil or httpilstinet.dtic.mil!
MIL-A-8625—Anodic Coatings for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
MIL-C-247 14—Connector Tubes, Hydraulic Component, General Specification for
MIL-C-2471411—Connector Tubes, Preferred S#zes, Valves and Subplates
MIL-T41556—Twtanium and Titanium Alloys, Extruded Bars and Shapes
3 Requirements
3.1 Configurations and Dimensional Requirements—For configurations and dimensional requirements see me applicable Figure and Table as listed as follows. Dimensions in figures are in accodance with ASME Y14.5.
a. Standard Connector Tubes—Figure 1 and Table IA and lB
b. Undrilled Connector Tubes—Figure 1 and Tables 1A and I B
c. Connector Tubes (R Size) for Longer Internal Valves—FIgure 3 and Table 2 (See 5.4)
d. Connector Tubes (W Size) for Shorter Internal Valves—Figure 3 and Table 2 (See 5.4)
e. Connector Tubes (C Size) for Internal Valves—Figure 3 and Table 2 (See 5.4)
f. Plug (one-halt of undriiled tube)—Figure 4
3.2 Part Identification Number (PIN)—Connector tubes shall be specified by part identification numbers as established in Figure 5. The part identification numbers described in Figure 5 provide a unique identification number for each connector tube that identifies size, body configuration, and material composition.

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