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SAE ARP 5580 pdf download

SAE ARP 5580 pdf download.Recommended Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Practices for Non-Automobile Applications.
Recommended Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Practices For Non-Automobile Applications describes the basic procedures for performing a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) It encompasses functional, interface, and detailed FMEA, as well as certain pre-analysis activities (FMEA planning and functional requirements analysis), post-analysis activities (failure latency analysis, FMEA verification, and documentation), and applications to hardware, software, and process design. It is intended for use by organizations whose product development processes use FMEA as a tool for assessing the safety and reliability of system elements, or as part of their product improvement processes A separate, Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice, J1739, is intended for use in automobile applications.
1.1 Purpose:
In developing this procedure the subcommittee has endeavored to develop a procedure that reflects the best current commercial practices. This procedure was developed in recognition of today’s intense and competitive market demands for high reliability, affordability, and speed to market. The subcommittee had several objectives in defining the FMEA process:
1 Define a basic methodology to include functional, interface, and detailed FMEA. This will facilitate performing the analysis throughout the design process, from early in the conceptual stage to implementation and production.
2. Extend the methodology to include both product and process FMEAs. The methodology can be applied to the many technologies (e.g., mechanical, electrical, software, etc.) used in the development of a product. This helps to facilitate communications between all the parties involved in the development of a system and is useful in a concurrent engineering environment.
3. Provide simple techniques for ranking failure modes for corrective actions dnd for identifying fault equivalencies
4 Define the types of information needed for the FMEA in electronic databases, thus facilitating semi-automation of the analysis.
5. Provide procedures for managing the FMEA and for getting the most benefit from the analysis.
The following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not a required part of this SAE Technical Report
2 1 SAE Publications:
Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001
2.1.1 Fault/Failure Analysis Procedure, Society of Automotive Engineers, Aerospace Recommended Practice, ARP926, Sept. 15, 1967, ARP926A, Nov. 15, 1979.
212 “Fault/Failure Analysis For Digital Systems and Equipment”, Society of Automotive Engineers, Aerospace Recommended Practice, ARP1834, Aug. 1986.
2.1.3 Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability Guidebook, SAE International RMS Committee (G-11), 2nd Ed Society of Automotive Engineers, 1992
2.1.4 “Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis In Design (Design FMEA) and Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis In Manufactunng and Assembly Processes (Process FMEA) Reference Manuar, Society of Automotive Engineers, Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice, J1739, July 1994
2.1.5 Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and Equipmenr, Society of Automotive Engineers, Aerospace Recommended Practice, ARP4761, December 1996.
2.2 U.S. Government Publications:
Available from DODSSP, Subscription Services Desk. Building 4D, 700 robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.
22.1 Electronic Reliability Design Handbook”, MIL-I-IDBK-338-1, Volume I. Oct. 12, 1988.
2.2.2 Procedures For Performing A Failure Mode Effects and Cnticality Analysis”, US MIL-STD-1629 (ships) Nov. 1, 1974 US MIL-STD-1629A, Nov. 24, 1980 US MIL-STD-l629AINotice 2, Nov. 28, 1984.
2.2.3 Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment, MIL-HDBK-217F, Dec. 10. 1993.
2.2.4 “System Oesign and Analysis”, Advisory Circular 251309-lA, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), June 1988.
2.2.5 FauIt Tree Handbook”, NUREG-0492, U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Jan. 1981.
2.3 Applicable References:
2.3.1 J S. Coutinho, Failure-Effect Analysis”, Trans. New York Academy of Sciences. 1964,
pp. 564-584.
2.3.2 “Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), CRTA-FMECA, Reliability Analysis Center. Rome, NY, 1993.
2.3.3 “Nonelectronic Parts ReliabLllty Data -1995”, NPRD-95, Reliability Analysis Center, Rome NY, 1995.
2.3.4 “Failure Mode/Mechanism Distributions 1997”, FMD-97, 1997, Reliability Analysis Center.

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