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SAE J343 pdf download

SAE J343 pdf download.Test and Test Procedures for SAE 100R Series Hydraulic Hose and Hose Assemblies.
Specific tests and performance criteria for evaluating hose assemblies used in hydraulic service are in accordance with the requirements for hose in the respective specifications of SAE J51 7.
This document further establishes a uniform means of testing and evaluating performance of hydraulic hose assemblies.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified
herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1,1 SAE PuBLIcATIoN—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale. PA 15096-0001.
SAE J51 7—Hydraulic Hose
2.1.2 ASTM PueLIcATs—Available from ASTM. 100 Barr Harbor Drive. West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. ASTM 0380—Standard Methods of Testing Rubber Hose
2.1.3 ISO Available from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New rbrk, NY 10036-8002.
ISO 3448—Industrial liquid lubricants—ISO viscosity classification
ISO 6605—Hydraulic fluid power—Hose assemblies—Method of test
3. Test Procedures—The test procedures described In the current issue of ASTM 0 380 shall be followed. However, in cases of conflict between the ASTM specifications and those described as follows. the latter shall take precedence. Unless otherwise specified In this document, or other SAE standards, tests shall be conducted at the prevailing ambient temperature of the testing facility.
4. Standard Tests
WARNING—Water or another liquid suitable for the hose under test shall be used as the test medium. The use of air and other gaseous materials as testing media should be avoided because of the risk to operators. In special cases where such media are required for the tests, strict safety measures are imperative. Furthermore, it is stressed that when a liquid is used as the test medium, It is essential that all air Is expelled from the test piece because of the risk of injury to the operator due to the sudden expansion of trapped air released when the hose bursts.
4.1 Dimensional Check Test—The hose shall be inspected for conformity to all dimensions tabulated in the applicable specification.
Determine finished outside diameters and reinforcement diameters, where required. by calculation from measurement of the respective circumference.
As an alternative, use a flexible tape graduated to read the diameter directly.
Measure the inside diameter by means of a suitable expanding ball or telescoping gage.
Measure concentricity over both the reinforcement and the finished outside diameters using either a dial indicator gage or a micrometer,
Round the foot of the measuring instrument to conform to the inside diameter of the hose.
Take readings at 90 degree intervals around the hose
NOTE—Acceptability is based on the total variation between the high and the low readings.
Take inside and outside diameter measurements at a minimum of 25 mm from the hose ends and concentricity measurements at a minimum of 13 mm from the hose ends.
4.2 Proof Test—Test the hose assemblies hydrostatically to the specified proof pressure for a period of not less than 30 s nor more than 60s.
There shall be no indication of failure or leakage.
4.3 Change In Length Test—Conduct measurements for the determination of elongation or contraction on a previously untested, unaged hose assembly having at least 600 mm length of free hose between hose fittings.
Attach the hose assembly to the pressure source in an unrestricted straight position. If the hose is not straight due to its natural curvature, it may be fastened laterally to achieve a straight position. Pressurize to the specified operating pressure for a period of 30 s, then release the pressure.
Place accurate reference marks 500 mm apart on the outer cover of the hose, midway between fittings, after allowing the hose assembly to restabilize for a period of 30 s following pressure release.
Repressurize the hose assembly to the specified operating pressure for a period of 30 s.

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