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SAE J1459 pdf download

SAE J1459 pdf download.(R) V-Ribbed Belts and Pulleys.
1. —The SAE Standard coven the dimensioning tedinlje. tolerances, and methods of measurement of V-nbbed belts and inebng pulleys for use on automotive accessory drives.
2. References—There are no referenced publications specified herein
3. V.Rlbbed Belts—Although several v-ribbed urns sections are available this document shall be confined to PK (K) sedan bets which are used In automotive applk*tlons, lnctsdlrq trudcs at east up to Class 3. Belts shall confnrm to Figure 1
4. Puffeys Mating with V-Ribbed Belts—us the intentun of this document to relate the belt profile to the pulley profile ussig the variables assoclated wilt’ the 2.50 nan ball used In measuring puley diameters Puleys shea conform to Figure 2 for derneter over balls less than 70.00 nan and to FIgure 3 for diameters of 70,00mm or greater
4.1 Pull.y DIameter Definitions—The daneter over balls Is the only diameter actually measured on a pulley There are other dneters used that we calculated from the value. The bell diameters daltoed as 2500mm 10.010 mm. See Tables IA and 1B.
5 Measua Method—Since the temphees In FIgures 1 to 3 have profile of a line callouts, I Is necessery to capture the entire profile digitaly and ocmpare it to the drawing dimensions, This requies a digital profilometer and eitnnates the opbcal comperator as acceptable for metrology Because of the inherent speed 01 these devices, the frequency of audit may have to be reduced, dependwlg on the process used In production If verjhoation of ongoing quality reqtares nxe frequent measisement. the audit with the profilomeler is std required, while the supplier can use traditional methods to measure addibonal belts to satisfy an internal process control diaracteristic, if they feel the need
6 Belt Divnensi’on Desonninatlon—The shape or the belt profile changes with bending. either as profiled back bent, fit le not molded, or between manufacture and measurement. The intent of the document 6 to achieve a precise mating at the belt as bent around a grooved Pusey The 37 degree pulley standard deals with the distortion at tho boll around moll cfiomotor pultoys For lergor pulloy8 tho 40 dogroc boll nb anglo is to be defined on a 127 mm puley as measured in an arch with a dental compound casting, or equivalent. The detail drawing Is to show the nit? dInensions as measured In production with the digital profilorneter (usually flat) These dimensions may be different from those measured in the arch Once the relationship between the arch and the production measufements due 1011,0 rtifber distortion Is established, the arch denenslons shall not be measured on an ongoing basis, but rather the detail drawing dimensions representing the flat profilometer method
7. Metrologlcal Issues—In order to faciltato the execution at the programs for digital profikwnef era to measure both belts and pulleys. It is permissible to calculate the points defined on the flares of the belt rits or pulley grooves. This can be done from the line defined by poInts along the rib/groove flai* line between the tangent po.nts of the 1q and root radii Gage R&R improves with increasing distance between the points selected Precise methodotogy can be mutualy agreed upon between supplier and OEM.
a V.RiLibed Belt S&a—BeI size is designated by a standard series of alphanumeric characters Belts measured on a meinc length system are designated by the nunter of ribs lolowed by the b.lt cross-sectIonal size (P)C or ?L and the effective length in mibueters. For example, 6PK1370 signifies a 6-rib ?IC section belt. with an effective length of 1370 mm.
6 Measurement of V-RIbbed Belts—The length of a V-ribbed bell is detemilied by use of a measuring fixture compflsed of wo pulleys of equal diameter, a method of applying force, and a means at measuring the center distance between the two pulleys. One of the two puby$ is hired in position while the other is movable along a graduated scale Both pulleys are allowed to rotate, The fixture is shown schemabcaly in Figure 4. Grooves of master Inspection pulleys shall be machined to dimension tolerances shown m Table 2. treated to resist wear, and checked periodically for wear and damage.

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