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SAE J1469 pdf download

SAE J1469 pdf download.Air Brake Actuator Test Procedure,Truck-Tractor,Bus, and Trailers.
1.1 Test Procedures
Leak rate-parking and service chambers (Section 4)
Chamber volume-parking and service chambers (Section 5)
Maximum release and hold-off pressure-parking chamber (Section 6)
Force output and stroke-parking chamber (Section 7)
Force output and stroke-service chamber (Section 8)
Low temperature leakage-parking and service chambers (Section 9)
Low temperature maximum release and hold-off pressure (Section 10)
Low temperature force output-parking chamber (Section 11)
Low temperature operational test-service chamber (Section 12)
Corrosion resistance-parking and service chamber (SectIon 13)
Mechanical badc-off release mechanism (Section 14)
Proof pressure test-parking and service chambers (Section 15)
Cycle test-parking chamber (Section 16)
Cycle test-service chamber (Section 17)
Elevated temperature cycle test-parking and service chambers (Section 18)
Vibration test (Section 19.1)
1.2 Test Sequence Chart—The test sequence as charted in the Test Sequence Chart’ shall be mandatory (see Figure 1).
1.3 Purpose—This document provides uniform procedures and methods for laboratory testing of brake actuators used in air brake systems.
2. References
2.1 ApplIcable Publication—The following publication forms a part of mis specification to the extent specified herein.
2.1.1 ASTM PujCATIoN—Availate from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, B 1 94282959.
ASTM B 117—Method of Salt Spray (Fog) Testing
3. Definitions
3.1 Hold-Off Pressure—A decrease of parking chamber air pressure for parking brake application (extend power spnng).
3.2 Release Pressure—An increase of parking chamber air pressure to release the parking brake (compress power spring),
3.3 ParkIng Chamber Apply—Extend power spring.
3.4 Parking Chamber Release—Compress power spring.
3.5 Full Stroke—Maximum stroke of a unit.
3.6 Rated Stroke—The minimum design stroke of a unit.
3.7 Service Brake Actuator—Air activated actuator for applying the toundaiion ua.
3.8 Parking Brake Actuator—Mechanically applied actuator for restraining the vehicle.
3.9 CombInation Brake Actuator—Combined service and parking section actuator.
3.10 Zero Stroke—Brake actuator push rod must be in retracted position (foundation brake full.off).
3.11 Fully Caged Power Spring—Power spring restrained in its most compressed position within me brake actuator.
NOTE—This may be accomplished either pneumatically or mechanically per the manufacturers recommended procedure.
4. Leak Rate-Parking and Service Chambers
4.1 Leakage—Parking chamber.
4.1.1 CONDITIONS 27°C ± 11 °C (80 F ± 20 °F) ambient temperature.
4.1,1.2 Parking chamber is to be uncaged.
4.1.2 TEST PROCEDURE Precondthoning Cycle—Pneumatically actuate the parking chamber from fully applied to fully released and back to fully applied three times using 620 to 830 kPa (90 to 120 lbffin2) (gage) air pressure.
1.2.2 Pressurize the parking chamber with air to 860 to 900 kPa (125 to 130 lbf/in2) (gage). Allow the air pressure in the unit to stabili.ze for 5 mm ± 1 mm. Establish air pressure at 860 kPa ± 7 kPa (125 td)1n2 ± 1 lbf(in2) (gage).
4.1,2,5 Measure leakage rate with a flow meter. Record leakage rate.
4. 1.3. 1 Precor,dtt,oning Cycle—Per Connect the parking chamber to a 20485 cm3 ± 820 cm3 (1250 in3 ± so in3) air tank. Connect a pressure gage (or equivalent device) to measure pressure change. Pressurize the parking chamber and air tank to 860 to 900 kPa (125 to 130 lbf/in2) (gage) air pressure. StabIlize the air pressure for 5 mm ± 1 mm. Establish a pressure of 860 kPa ± 7 kPa (125 lbf)1n2 ± 1 lbfrin2) (gage) in the parking chamber and air tank and close shut-off valve at the air tank inlet. Record the pressure change after 10 mm ± 0.1 mm.
4.2 Leakage—Service Chamber
4.2.1 CONDITIONS 27 C ± 11 C (80 ‘F ± 20 F) ambient temperature. Limit the stroke to 75% ± 5% of rated stroke. Maintain the parking chamber at 860 to 900 kPa (125 to 130 lbffin2) (gage)—if applab4e.
4.2.2. 1 Precondition Cycles—Cycle the service chamber three times pneumatically. by applying 620 to 830 kPa (90 to 120 lbf fin2) (gage) from full stroke to zero stroke and baok to full stroke position. Pressurize the service chamber with 860 to 900 kPa (125 to 130 lbffmn2) (gage) air pressure. Allow the air pressure in the unit to stabilize for 5 mm ± 1 mm.
42.2.4 Establish a pressure of 860 kPa ± 7 kPa (125 11,1/in2 ± 1 lbffin2) (gage) in the service chamber. Measure leakage rate with a flow meter.
4.226 Record leakage rate.

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