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SAE J1494 pdf download

SAE J1494 pdf download.(R) Battery Booster Cables.
The purpose of this SAE Recommended Practice is to establish minimum performance and user information requirements for battery booster cable sets used with 6 OR 12-VOLT BATTERIES. Such sets may be used to provide a temporary connection of a surface vehicle battery to another similar battery to provide emergency power when required. This document DOES NOT ENDORSE NOR RECOMMEND the potentially hazardous procedure of )ump-starting a vehicle.
2. References
2.1 ApplIcable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATIONS—Available from SAE 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, Pa 15096-0001.
SAE JI I 27—Battery Cable
SAE Ji 1 28—Low Tension Primary Cable
SAE J1654—4-ligh Voltage Primary Cable
SAE JI 678—Ultra Thin Wall Primary Cable
SAE J2183—40 V and 600 V Single Core Cables—Test Methods, Dimensions and Requirements
2.2 Related Publications—The following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not a required part of this specitication,
2.2.1 SAE PunucAnoNs—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.
SAE J156—Fusible Links
SAE J1 067—Seven Conductor Jacketed Cable for Truck Trailer Connections
SAE Ji 292—Automobile, Truck. Truck-Tractor, Trailer, and Motor Coach Wiring
SAE J1673—High Voltage Automotive Wiring
SAEJ25O1—Round, Unscreened, 60 V and 600 V Multicore Sheathed Cables—Basic and High Performance Test Methods and Requirements
SAE Dictionary of Materials and Testing
4.3 Current Rating—The following procedure should be performed at an ambient temperature of 23 C ± 5 C (73°F ± 9 °F) in order to determine the battery booster cable set rating as shown in Section 3.
a. Recommended Equipment
1. Source of constant DC current with sufficient capacity to allow a 2.5 V minimum drop on each cable with a current measuring capability of ±1% accuracy.
2. Stainless steel electrodes per Figure 1 attached to current source electrodes.
3. Voltmeter (accurate to 0.01 V).
4. Timing device.
5. Thermocouple (irorvconstantan type).
6. Chart recorder with 121 °C ±3 °C (250°F ± 5 F) maximum reading accurate to 0.25% full scale.
b. Test Procedure
1. Attach one of the cables of the battery booster cable set to the current source by clamping to the stainless steel electrode area A (see Figure 1) in the manner the clamps would normally be used.
2. Attach the thermocouple to the battery booster cable clamp handle by taping tightly to the outer surface at a mldpoinl between the pivot and the rear of the current carrying clamp. If nonpermanent attached grips are used, slide the grip oft the handle and apply thermocouple directly to the handle
NOTE— (Thermocouple Is allached in an area normally gripped by the user). Attach the other end of the thermocouple lead to the chart recorder.
3. Select a test current and apply to the cable.
4. After 10 s, measure and record the voltage drop from one stainless steel electrode to the other.
5. Alter 15 S. turn off the current.
6. Monitor the temperature of the handle for an addirional 2 mm and record the maximum temperature. The maximum temperature permitted 1s66 C (150 °F).
NOTE— Some clamps will be at a maximum temperature immediately after the current is turned off, others will continue to rise for various periods.
7. Repeat steps I through 6 with the other cable of the battery booster cable set.
8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 with successive greater test currents until the test current produces a combined total voltage &op of 5.0 V for both cables in the battery booster cable set. The cables should be allowed to cool for approximately 15 mm before retesting.
9. Repeat steps I through 8 wilt, the battery booster cable clamp attached to area B (see Figure 1) of the stainless steel electrode.
10. Using the test data from area A and B, determine the largest of the test currents that does not cause a combined total vottage drop of more than 5.0 V or a temperature of more than 66 C (150 F) on the handle. The rating of the cable set shall be the lowest amperage rating of the results of tests performed using Clamping Area A and Clamping Area B.

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