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SAE J1850 pdf download

SAE J1850 pdf download.Class B Data Communications Network Interface.
This SAE Standard establishes the requirements for a Class B Data Communication Network Interface applicable to all On- and Off-Road Land-Based Vehicles. It defines a minimum set of data communication requirements such that the resulting network is cost effective for simple applications and flexible enough to use in complex applications. Taken in total, the requirements contained in this document specify a data communications network that satisfies the needs of automotive manufacturers.
This specification describes two specific implementations of the network, based on media/Physical Layer differences. One Physical Layer is optimized for a data rate of 10.4 Kbps while the other Physical Layer is optimized for a data rate of 41.6 Kbps (see Appendix A for a checklist of application-specific features). The Physical Layer parameters are specified as they would be detected on the network media, not within any particular module or integrated circuit implementation.
Although devices may be constructed that can be configured to operate in either of the two primary implementations defined herein. It is expected that most manufacturers will focus specifically on either the 10.4 Kbps implementation or the 41.6 Kbps implementation depending on their specific application and corporate philosophy toward network usage. However, low-volume users of network-interface devices are expected to find It more effective to use a generic interface capable of handling either of the primary implementations specified in this document.
This SAE document is under the control and maintenance of the Vehicle Networks for Multiplexing and Data Communications (Multiplex) Committee, This committee will periodically review and update this document as needs dictate.
1.1 Objectives—This document constitutes the requirements for a vehicle-data communications network, These requirements are related to the lowest two layers of the ISO Open System Interconnect (OSI) model (Ref. ISO 7498). These layers are the Data Link Layer and the Physical Layer. This network has been described using the ISO conventions in ISO1TC 22/SC 3/WG1 N429 E, dated October, 1990. Both documents are intended to describe the same network requirements but using different descriptive styles. If any technical differences are Identified, the very latest revision of these documents should be used.
This document has been submitted as an American National Standard. As such, its format is somewhat different from the formal ISO description In that descriptions have been expanded. but are In no way less precise. A more textual format has been adopted herein to allow explanations to be included.
The vehicle application for this class of data communication (Class B) network is defined (Reference SAE J1213 APR88) to allow the sharing of vehicle parametric information. Also per the definition, this Class B network shall be capable of performing Class A functions.
2. References
2.1 Applicable PublicatIons—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PUBLICAUONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive. Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.
SAE Ji 1 13—Electromagnetic Susceptibility Measurements Procedures for Vehicle Components
SAE Ji 211 A—fecommended Environmental Procedure for Electronic Equipment Design
SAE J 1213/1—Glossary of Vehicle Networks for Multiplexing and Data Communications
SAE J1547—Electrornagnetlc Susceptibility Measurement Procedures for Common Mode Injection
SAEJ 1879—General Qualification and Production Acceptance Criteria for Integrated Circuits in Automo live Applications
SAE J1962—Diagnostlc Connector
SAE J1979—EIE Diagnostic Test Modes
SAE J2012—Diagnostic Codes/Messages
SAE J21 78—Class B Data Communication Network Messages
SAEJ2 1 78/I —Class B Data Communication Networl Messages: Detailed Header Formats and Physical Address Assignment
SAE J2190—Enhanced E/E Diagnostic Test Modes
21.2 CISPR PuBLcATIoN—Available from Krlsti Hansen, SAE. Troy OffIce, 3001 West Big Beaver Road, Suite
320, Troy, Ml 48084-3174.
CISPRJD/WG2 (Secretariat) 19 Sept 1 989—Radiated Emissions Anlenna and Probe Test
2.1.3 ISO PueucArIoNs—Available from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.
ISorrC22/Sc3wG 1 N429E OCT9O—Road vehicles—Serial data communication for automotive applications, low speed (125 Kbps and below)
ISO 7498—Data processing systems—Open systems interconnection—Standard relerence model
1S0763713—Road vehicles—Electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling—Part 3: Passenger cars and light commercial vehicles with nominal 12 V supply voltage and commercial vehicles with 24 V supply voltage—Electrical transient transmission by capacitive and inductive coupling via lines other than supply lines
2.2 Related Publications—The following publication is provided for information purposes only and is not a required part of this document.
2.2.1 SAE PuBuCATON—Availabfe from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive. Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.
SAE J1930—ElectricaL’Electronic Systems Diagnostic Terms, Definitions. Abbreviations, & Acronyms。

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