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SAE J2284 pdf download

SAE J2284 pdf download.High-Speed CAN(HSC) for Vehicle Applications at 500 KBPS.
This SAE Recommended Practice will define the Physical Layer and portions of the Data Link Layer of the ISO model for a 500 KBPS High-Speed CAN (HSC) protocol implementation. Both ECU and media design requirements for networks wil be specified. Requirements will primarily address the CAN physical layer implementation.
Requirements wl focus on a rrenimum standard level of performance from the High-Speed CAN (HSC) implementation. All ECU5 and media shall be des.gned to meet certain component level requirements in order to ensure the HSC implementation system level performance at 50 KBPS. The minimum performance level shall be specified by system level performance requirements or characteristics described Ni detail in Section 6 of this document.
This document is designed such thai If the Electronic Control Unit requirements defined m Sect’on 6 are met. then the system level attributes should be obtainable.
This document wil address only requirements which may be tested at the ECU and media level. No requirements which apply to the testing of the HSC implementation as integrated into a vehicle are contained in this document. However, compliance with all ECU and media requirements will increase the possibility of communication compatility between separately procured components and will greatly simplify the task of successfully integrating a HSC communication system in a vehicle,
2. References—TNs specification takes precedence over all confbcts in the documents cited in this section
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein Unless otherwise indicated, the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PuelicAnoNs—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, Pa. 15096-0001
SAE J551—Performance Levels and Methods of Measurement of Electromagnetic Compatibility for Vehicles and Devices
SAE J1113—Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedures for Vehicle Components
SAE J1213-1——Glossary of Vehicle Networks for Multiplexing and Data Communications
SAE J1930—ElectricalIElectronic Systems Diagnostic Terms, Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms
SAE J1962—OBD Diagnostic Connector
SAE J2190—Enhanced Diagnostic Test Modes
SAE 970295—CAN Bit liming Requirements
2.1.2 ISO PuBucAT,oNs—Available from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.
ISO 7498—Data processing systems—Open systems interconnection standard reference model
ISO 7637-1—Road vehicles—Electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling
ISO 11898 1993fAmd.1:1995(E)—Road vehicles—interchange of digital information—Controller area network (CAN) for high speed communication
ISO 14229—Road vehicles—Diagnostic systems—Specification of diagnostic services
Bosch—CAN Specification 2.0, Parts A and B
CISPR 25—Limits & Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics for the Protection of Receivers Used On-Board Vehicles
3. Definitions—The definitions provided in SAE J1213-1 apply to this document. Additional or modified definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations included in this document or relevant to the communication of mformation in a vehicle are catalogued in this section.
3.1 CAN_H—The CAN_H bus wire is fixed to a mean voltage level during the recessive state and is dnven in a positive voltage direction during the dominant bit state.
3.2 CANL—The CAN_I bus wire is fixed to a mean voltage level during the recessive state and Is driven in a negative voltage direction during the dominant bit state.
3.3 Data Link Layer—Provktes the rebable transfer of information across the Physical Layer. This includes message qualification and error control.
3.4 Data Link Connector (DLC)—Provides the electrical connection between Off-Board and On-Board ECUs, For some vehicles, the DIC is lbs SAE J1962 connector.
3.5 Dominant State—The dominant state is represented by a differential voltage greater than a minimum ttireshold between the CAN_L arid CAN_H bus wires. The dominant state overwrites the recessive state and represents a logic O bit value
3.6 Electronic Control Unit (ECU)—An On- or Off-vehicle electronic asserrly from which CAN SAE J2284 messages may be sent andlor received.
3.7 Media—The physical entity which conveys the electrical (or equivalent means of communication) transnission between ECUs on the network (e.g., unshielded twisted pair wires).
3.8 Physical Layer—Concerns the transmission of an unstructured bit stream over physical media: deals with the mechanacal, electrical, functional, and procedural characteristics to access the physical media.
3.9 Protocol—Formal set of conventions or rules for the exchange of information between ECLJs, This includes me specification of frame administration, frame transfer, and physical layer.
3.10 RadIated Emissions—Radiated Emissions consists of energy that emanate from the CAN bus wires. Electric held strength in doaVhn is the typical measure of radiated emissions.
3.11 RadIated lmniuntty—A property that ensures t hat the CAN bus wires will not suffer degraded functional operation within its intended electromagnetic environment.
3.12 RecessIve State-The recessive state Is represented by an Inactive state differential voltage that is approximately 0. The recessive state represents a logic 1 bit value.
4. Acronyms.

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