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SAE J2406 pdf download

SAE J2406 pdf download.Recommended Practices for CNG Powered Medium and Heavy-Duty Trucks.
2. References
2.1 ApplIcable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specihed herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of each publication shall apply. Specit,c documents pertaining to a scope of work are referenced at the end of this document (6.5).
2.1.1 SAE PuBLICATIONS—Available from SAE. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. (724-
776-4790 (ww.sae.orglproducts)
SAE J 1 703—Fuel Systems – Trucks and Truck Tractors
SAE Ji 616—Recommended Practice for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel
SAE J2343—Recommended Practice for ING Powered Heavy – Duty Vehicles
2.1.2 ANSI/lAS PueLIc.ATIo.s—Available from GSA 8501 East Pleasant Valley Rd.. Cleveland, Ohio 44131. (ww.csa.ca) 800-463-6727 or Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition, 1100 Wilson Blvd STE. 850, Arlington, VA 22209 703-527-3022 ([email protected]).
ANSIJAGA NGV2—Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers
ANSI)AGA PRD1—Pressure Relief Devices for Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers
ANSIJAGA NGVI—Standard for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicles -Refueling Connection Devices
ANSIIFCI 70-2—Control valve seat Leakage
2.1.3 FEDERAl. MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS (Q3o€ OF FEDERAL REGULATONS PuBucA’rioN)—Available from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Gay. Printing Office, Wash D.C. 20402 (www.accesslgpogov).
FMVSS 301 (49CFR571 .301)—Fuel System integrity
FMVSS 303 (49CFR571 .303)—Fuel System integrity of compressed natural gas vehicles
FMVSS 304 (49 CFRS57I .304)—Compressed Natural Gas Fuel Container Integrity
2.1.4 CALIFORNIA Cooc REGuLATIONs—Available from Barclays Law Publishers, Attn.: Client Services, P.O. Box 3066. South San Francisco, and CA 94083. (http://ccr.oal.ca.gov).
California Title 08 – CNG 8 LNG vehicle regulations
2.1.5 COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION Pueuc.riois—Available from Compressed Gas Association, Inc., 1725 Jefferson Davis Highway. Suite 1004, Arlington, VA 22202-4102, 703-412-0900 (www.cganet.com).
CGA -Pressure Relief Standards Si .1 Part i — Cylinders for Compressed Gases
CGA C- 6.1 Methods for External Visual Inspection of NGV Fuel Containers and their installation
CGA Si .2 Part 2— Cargo and portable tanks for compressed gases
CGA C – 6.4 Methods of external visual inspection of natural gas vehicle fuel containers and their installation.
CGA Pressure Relief Standards S1.3 Part 3— Compressed Gases Storage Containers
2.1.6 NFPA PUBLICATIONS—Available from National Fire Protection Agency, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101.800-344-3555 (htpp://catalog.nfpa.org).
NFPA 52—Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems
NFPA 70—National Electncal Code
2.2 Related Publications—The following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not a required part of this specification.
2.2.1 FEDERAl. Moron CARRIER SAFETY Ao.AINIsTRATION—Publications Available from Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. (www.access.gpo.gov).
2.2.2 TEXAS RAILROAD Cc*iMISsI0N PUBLICATION—Texas administrative code Available from Railroad Commission of Texas, Capitol Station P.O. Box 12967. Austin, Texas 78711-2967 (http:f1 infor,sos.state.tx,us:80/pum/plsqL”readtac$extViewTAC)
2.2.3 CANADIAN STANDAneS AssocIArlo..—Available from Standards Department. 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Rexciale (Toronto) Ontario. Canada M9W 1 R3 800-463-6727 I www.csa.ca).
2.2.4 CANADIAN GAS AssociATioN—Available from Canadian Gas Association, 55 Scarsdale Road, Don Mills (Toronto). Ontario, Canada M3B 2R3.
2.2.5 GIl PUBLICATIONS—Available from Gas Technology Institute, 1700 South Mount Prospect Road, Des Plaines, IL 60018 (www.GTl.org).
2.2.6 ASME PuBUCAToONS—Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers, United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017
2.2.7 DEPARTUENT OF INDUSTRIAL. RELATIONS—Division of Occupational Safety and Health- Pressure Vessel Unit
1515 Clay Street. Suite 1302-Oakland, CA 94612
22,8 CCPS P uBucAT.o4—Available from the Center for Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers- 345 East 47th St., New York. NY100I7
3. Fuel System Components and Definitions—The following definitions were derived in assembling this document.
3.1 Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP)—The highest pressure which should be allowed downstream of the high-pressure regulator
3.2 Pressure Regulator—Any device used to reduce pressure (independent of flow) exclusive of engine control devices. Pressure regulators should be Incorporated into the fuel system in accordance with the engine manufacturer’s recommendation
3.3 ServIce Pressure—The settled pressure at a uniform gas temperature of 21 C and 70 °F and full gas content. For this document ii is defined as the pressure for which the equipment has been constructed for use under normal operating conditions. The maximum system pressure shall not exceed 125% of the nominal service pressure. The individual tank manufacturer defines the service pressure of the CNG tanks.
3.4 Pressure Relief Valve(s)—The fuel system should be equipped with pressure relief valves, or pressure control valves, of which are generally located downstream of the high pressure regulator. Relief valve set pressures should follow the engine manufacturer’s recommendations. Relief valve outlets should be protected from fouling by dirt, debris, snow, ice, and/or water.

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