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SAE AMS 4087G pdf download

SAE AMS 4087G pdf download.Aluminum Alloy Tubing,Seamless, Drawn (2024-0) Reinstate Composition Annealed.
1.1 Form:
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of seamless, drawn tubing.
1.2 Application:
Primarily for parts requiring a high-strength, non-weldable alloy. Parts are usually solution heat treated and aged before use.
The issue of the following documents in effect on the date of the purchase order form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The supplier may work to a subsequent revision of a document unless a specific document issue is specified. When the referenced document has been canceled and no superseding document has been specified, the last published issue of that document shall app’y.
2.1 SAE Publications:
Available from SAE. 44D0 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale. PA 15096-0001.
AMS 2355 Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing, Aluminum Alloys and Magnesium Alloys,
Wrought Products, Except Forging Stock, and Rolled. Forged or Flash Welded Rings
MAM 2355 Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing, Aluminum Alloys and Magnesium Alloys,
Wrought Products, Except Forging Stock, and Rolled, Forged or Flash Welded Rings. Metric (SI) Units
AMS 2772 Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Raw Materials
4.1 Responsibility for Inspection:
The vendor of tubing shall supply all samples for vendor’s tests and shall be responsible for the performance of all required tests. Purchaser reserves the right to sample and to perform any confirmatory testing deemed necessary to ensure that the tubing conforms to me specified requirements.
4.2 Classification of Tests:
4.2,1 Acceptance Tests: Composition (3.1). tensile p4-operties as annealed ( and after solution heat treatment and aging (, quality (3.4), and tolerances (3.5) are acceptance tests and. except for composition, shall be performed on each lot of tubing.
4.2.2 Periodic Tests: Tests for flattening ( and flarability ( are periodic tests and shall be performed at a frequency selected by the vendor unless frequency of testing is specified by purchaser.
4.3 Sampling and Testing:
Shall be in accordance with AMS 2355 or MAM 2355 and the following:
4.3.1 Specimens for flarability test ( shall be full tubes or sections cut from a tube. The end of the specimen to be flared shall be cut square, with the cut end smooth and tree from burrs, but, except for sizes 0.375 inch (9.52 mm) and under in nominal diameter, not rounded.
4.4 Reports:
The vendor of tubing shall furnish with each shipment a report stating that the tubing conforms to the chemical composition and tolerances (and NDT inspection, when required): and showing the numerical results of tests on each inspection lot to determine conformance to the other acceptance test requirements and periodic test requirements when performed. This report shall include the purchase order number, inspection lot number(s), AMS 4087G. size, and quantity. The report shall also identify the producer, the product form, and the size of the mill product.
4.5 Resampling and Retesting:
Shall be in accordance with AMS 2355 or MAM 2355.
5.1 Identificaf ion:
Shall be in accordance with ASTM B 6661B 666M.
5.2 Packaging:
5.2.1 Tubing shall be oiled. prior to shipment, with a light corrosion-inhibiting oil.
5.2.2 Tubing shall be prepared for shipment in accordance with ASTM B 660, Commercial Practice, and in compliance with applicable rules and regulations pertaining to the handling, packaging, and transportation of the tubing to ensure camer acceptance and safe delivery.
A vendor shall mention this specification number and its revision letter in all quotations and when
acknowledging purchase orders.
Tubing not conforming to this specification, or to modifications authorized by purchaser, will be subject to rejection.
8.1 A change bar (I) located In the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions, not editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of this specification. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the specification. including technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original publications, nor in spedfications that contain editorial changes only.
8.2 Terms used in AMS are clarified in ARP19I7.
8.2.1 A double flare is similar to a standard single flare except that the flare is folded back on itself such that the Cut edge is inside the flare near the ID of the tube. Definitions and illustrations of single flaring are shown in MS 33584: double flaring is defined and illustrated in MS 33883.
8.3 Dimensions and properties in inch/pound units are primary: dimensions and properties in SI units are shown as the approximate equivalents of the pnmary units and are presented only for information.

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