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SAE AMS 4803D pdf download

SAE AMS 4803D pdf download.Zinc Alloy Castings,Die4.0Al -0.04Mg (AG40A) As Cast.
1.1 Form:
This specification covers a zinc alloy in the form of die castings.
1 .2 Application:
These castings have been used typically for components requiring moderate strength at room temperature.
The issue of the following documents in effect on the date of the purchase order form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The supplier may work to a subsequent revision of a document unless a specific document issue is specified. When the referenced document has been canceled and no superseding document has been specified, the last published issue of that document shall apply.
2.1 SAE Publications:
Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive. Warrendale. PA 15096-0001. AMS 2694 Repair Welding of Aerospace Castings
AMS 2804 Identification, Castings
3.3.1 A melt shall be the metal withdrawn from a batch-furnace charge of 2000 pounds (907 kg) or less as melted for pouring castings o-, when permitted by purchaser, a melt shall be 4000 pounds (1814 kg) or less of metal withdrawn from one continuous furnace in not more than eight consecutive hours.
3.3.2 A lot shall be all castings poured from a single melt in not more than eight consecutive hours
3.4 Chemical Analysis Specimens:
Shall be cast from each melt and shall be of any suitable size and shape appropriate to the test method.
3.5 Quality:
3.5.1 Castings, as received by purchaser. shall be uniform in quality and condition. sound. and free from foreign materials and from imperfections detrimental to usage of the castings.
3,5.1.1 Castings shall have smooth surfaces and shall be deaned sufficiently to permit nondestructive inspection.
3.5.2 When specified, castings shall be produced under radiographic control. This control shall Consist of 100% radiographic inspection of castings until p4-ocess control factors (4.4.2) have been established to ensure produchon of acceptable castings. Unless otherwise specified by purchaser. continued radiographic inspection of production castings shall be performed at a frequency determined by the vendor to ensure continued maintenance of Internal quality.
3.5.3 When specified, castings shall be subjected to fluorescent penetrant inspection In accordance with ASTM E 1417, to visible dye penetrant inspection in accordance with ASTM E 1220 or to both.
3.5.4 Radiographic, fluorescent penetrant. visible dye penetrant. and other quality standards shall be as agreed upon by purchaser and vendor.
3.5.5 Castings shall not be repaired by peening, plugging, welding. or other methods without written permission from purchaser.
I3.5.5.1 When authorized by purchaser, welding in accordance with AMS 2694 or other program approved by purchaser may be used.
3.5.6 Castings shall not be impregnated, chemically treated, or coated to prevent leakage unless specified or allowed by written permission of purchaser, designating the method to be used.
4.1 Responsibility for Inspection:
The vendor of castings shall supply all samples for vendor’s tests and shall be responsible for the performance of all required tests. Purchaser reserves the right to sample and to perform any confirmatory testing deemed necessary to ensure that the castings conform to specified requirements.
4.2 Classification of Tests:
All technical requirements of this specification are acceptance tests and preproduction tests and shall be performed prior to or on the first-article shipment of a casting to a purchaser, on each lot. when a change in material, processing, or both requires reapproval as in 4.4.2, and when purchaser deems confirmatory testing to be required.
4.3 Sampling and Testing:
Shall be in accordance with the following:
4.3.1 One or more chemical analysis specimen(s) in accordance with 3.4.1 from each melt or a casting from each lot.
14.3.2 One or more preproduction castings in accordance with 4.4.1 of each part number.
4.4 App’oval:
4.4.1 Sample castings from new or reworked dies and the casting procedure shall be approved by purchaser before castings for production use are supplied, unless such approval be waived by purchaser.
4,4.2 Vendor shall establish for production of sample castings of each part number parameters for the process control factors which will produce acceptable castings: these shall constitute the approved casting procedure and shall be used for producing production castings. If necessary to make any change in parameters for p’ocess control factors, vendor shall submit for reapproval a statement of the proposed changes in processing and. when requested. sample castings. test specimens, or both. Production castings incorporating the revised operations shall not be shipped prior to receipt of reapproval.

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