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IEC 61204:2001 pdf download

IEC 61204:2001 pdf download.Low-voltage power supply devices, d.c. output –
Performance characteristics.
2 Presentation of performance characteristics
The performance characteristics are detailed in 3.1 to 8.1 and are in accordance with the performance criteria listed in table Ill of IEC 60478-2.
The performance figure defines the maximum change (not typical) in the measured quantify which may be either positive or negative unless specified otherwise. Note that this implies that a 1 % change may mean a maximum difference of 2 % between quantities measured on a number of units.
The performance parameters are measured at 25 C unless otherwise stated.
Tests relating to performance characteristics shall be as stated in table Ill of IEC 60478-2. Where a specific Instruction appears to conflict with that indicated in table I or Ill, (his standard shall take precedence.
The performance characteristics presentation of table I illustrates a typical application. The indication of the present IEC publication subclause numbering is mandatory. The absence of a performance figure indicates that no requirements exist. Indicating the performance letter coding within brackets Is optional.
3 Performance
3.1 Rated outputs and total output power
The output voltages and performance levels of the unit shall be stated for each parameter. For a multiple output power supply, performance levels shall be indicated for each output.
The manutaclureri(user) shall confirm/(specify) that the variations in output voltage of the unit comply with the stated limits given in 3.2 to 3.18, as appropriate, under the least favourable combination of source voltage, load and temperature at the stated output level of the unit.
The manutacturer/(user) shall confirm/(specify) the minimum load value for the controlling output In a mulliple output power supply that is required to maintain any other parameter within the specification The nature of each output and its polarity, if fixed, shall also be stated or specified.
If the loads are defined by the customer, then the rated value of these loads shall be used in performance measurements. In all other cases, the output to be measured shall be at maximum, other outputs at 50 % of their rated output load, and voltage input of the power supply shall be at rated value.
The manufacturerl(user) shall confirml(specify) the total output power at one of the preferred high ambient operating temperatures of 3.2.
Three-phase alternating current (s.c.)
The values stated in IEC 60038 are preferred for three-phase ac. networks.
Direct current (d.c.)
The values stated in lC 60038 are preferred for direct current (d.c.).
Other values and ranges are acceptable but should be clearly stated and agreed between the customer and sUpplier. Alternatively, the nominal input voltage and tolerance may be staled.
3.5 Sourc. current
The following quantities shall be stated both under nominal and under least favourable conditions:
a) r,m.s. source current
b) peak repetitive source current (B.C. sources only);
c) peak inrush current 2);
d) the harmornc distortion factor (THD) of the source current waveform;
a) power factor (input Wllnput VA) 1) (s.c. sources only);
f) efficiency.
It the least favourable condition Is at other than maximum load, the actual load shall be stated.
Comphance with the stated performance shall be checked by inspection and in accordance with section twelve of IEC 60478-4.
3.6 Source effect (source regulation)
The regulation for the specified range of source voltage and frequency, with each output loaded to 50 % of maximum load at its specified output voltage, shall be stated and specified as one of the following preferred values:
A 0.1%
B 0.2%
C 0.5%
D 1%
E Unregulated
Compliance with the stated performance shall be checked by inspection and in accordance with section two of IEC 60478-4.
Compliance with the stated performance shall be checked by inspection, using the test circuit
measurement of figure 6 of IEC 60478-4.
Adjustability of output voltage
The span and resolution of each adjustable output shall be stated under nominal source and
hallf-rated load conditions.
If adjusting one output will affect another, this shall be stated.

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