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IEC 61286:2001 pdf download

IEC 61286:2001 pdf download.Information technology – Coded graphic
character set for use in the preparation aof documents used in electrotechnology and for information interchange.
IEC 61286 specifies a standardized coded graphic character set for use in drawings and diagrams, and for the design of graphical symbols.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions, which, through reference in this text. constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to. or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to apply. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO/IEC 10367:1991. Information techno fogy — Standardized coded graphic character sets for use in 8’bil codes
ISO 1375:1985. Data processing — Procedure for registration of escape sequences.
3 SpecificatIon of a character set
Symbols of IEC 60617. letter symbols of lEG 60027 and ISO 31 are used in characters in texts in the preparation of documents used in electrotechnology (see IEC 61082) and for the design of graphical symbols.
In the computer processing of electrotechnical documents, such characters should, in accordance with the rules defined in ISO/IEC 10367. be chosen from technical character set No. 1, with the registration number 181. Technical character set No. 1 is reproduced in annex A.
C.1 General
IEC 61286 was developed to cover the needs for graphical symbols of IEC 60617. letter symbols of lEG 60027 and ISO 31 for use in texts appearing in documents used in electrotechnology (see IEC 61082), and for use in labels appearing in graphical symbols.
The defined character set is primarily used in computer-aided design tools used in this area and information exchange. At the time of publication these tools did usually not manage more than single-octet character sets.
Since the time of publication of IEC 61286 Ed. 1 U995), ISO/lEG 10646-1 has been developed to cover also many of the needs in computer-aided design. and is expected to become the general standard also in this area
lEG 61286 will therefore be withdrawn as soon as the computer-aided tools are generally capable to manage the multi-octet character set.
Table I describes the correspondence between the character set of Annex A of IEC 61286 and ISOIEC 10646-1. The characters, ordered after their appearance in Annex A, are found In several tables of 1S011EC10646-1. The following tables are being referred to:
Table 3 – Row 00: Latin 1 Supplement
Table 10- Row 03: Greek and Coptic
Table 53- Row 20: General Punctuation
Table 57- Row 21: Letterlike Symbols
Table 59 – Row 21: Arrows
Table 60 – Row 22; Mathematical Operators
Table 61 Row 22: Mathematical Operators
Table 62 – Row 23: MIscellaneous Technical
Table 63 – Row 23: Miscellaneous Technical
Table 67 – Row 25: Box Drawing
Table 69 – Row 25: Geometric Shapes
Table 2 liStS the characters order after their appearance in ISO/IEC 10646-1.
Since ISO/IEC 10546-1 Is available in English only, table I and 2 are also presented in English only.

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