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SAE AMS 7276G pdf download

SAE AMS 7276G pdf download.Rings, Sealing,Fluorocarbon(FKM) Rubber High-Temperature-Fluid Resistant Low Compression Set 70 to 80. Any of the above process control factors for which parameters are considered proprietary by the manufacturer may be assigned a code designation. Each variation in such parameters shall be assigned a modified code designation.
4.6 Test Methods:
Shall be as follows:
4,6.1 Weight Loss Tests: The weight loss test shall be conducted on samples air-aged at 270 °C ± 3 (518 °F ± 5). Test specimens shall be conditioned for 24 hours ± I in a desiccator before and after air-aging. The specimens shall be weighed immediately after the desiccation period before and after aging. The percentage weight loss shall be calculated as shown in Equation 1.
Weight Loss = W1•W2100 (Eq.1)
W1 weight of sample before air-aging
W2 = weight of sample after air-aging
4.7 Reports:
The supplier of the product shall furnish with each shipment a report from me manufacturer showing the results of tests to determine conformance to the acceptance test requirements and stating that the product conforms to the other technical requirements. This report shall include the purchase order number, lot number, AMS 7276G, manufacturer’s identification number, part number, and quantity.
4.8 Resampliny and Retesting:
If any specimen used in the above tests fails to meet the specified requirements. disposition of the rings may be based on the results of testing three additional specimens for each original nonconforming specimen. Failure of any retest specimen to meet the specified requirements shall be cause for rejection of the product repiesented. Results of all tests shall be reported.
5.1 Packaging and Identification:
Shall be as specified in the purchase order or contract requirements; when no requirements are stipulated, packaging shall be in accordance with AMS 2817,
5.1.1 A lot may be packaged in small quantities and delivered under the basic lot approval provided lot identification is maintained.
A supplier shall mention this specification number and its revision letter in all quotations and when acknowledging purchase orders.
Product not conforming to this specification, or to modifications authorized by purchaser, will be subject to rejection.
8.1 A change bar (I) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions, not editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of this specification. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the specification. including technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original publications, nor in specifications that contain editorial changes only.
8,2 Qualification of Seals:
8.2.1 Contract awards requiring qualification to this specification will be made only for seals which are approved for inclusion in the applicable Qualified Product List (QPL). Manufacturers are urged to arrange to have their seals qualified so they may be eligible to be awarded contracts or orders for seals covered by this specification. Information pertaining to qualification may be obtained from the responsible QPL agency identified in 8.3.2.
8.3 Qualified Product List:
8.3.1 The Qualified Product List for this specification is PRI-OPL-AMS 7276.
8.3.2 A responsible agency for the QPL is the Performance Review Institute, 161 Thornhill Road, Warrendale, PA 15086-7527, phone 724-772-1616, Fax 724-772-1699.
8.4 Purchase documents should specify not less than the following:
AMS 7276G
Size or part number of seals desired
Quantity of seals desired
Special packaging, if required.
8.5 Rings meeting the requirements of this specification have been classified under Federal Supply Classification (FSC) 5331.

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