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SAE J2523 pdf download

SAE J2523 pdf download.Rolling Circumference Index Groups for Radial Tractor Drive Tires.
1. This SAE Standasd is established for the following purpose:
a Simplify the apphcation of radial drive wheel tires to agriciitural vehides especialy those with multiple drive axles heving tires of different sizes.
b. Provide a pettem to combine simdar sized tires no Rolling Circumference Index groups with uniform spacing between groups.
c. Bias drive tires are not Included in this Standard.
Z References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publication forms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.
2.1.1 TIRE AND RIM AssoclAnoN, lNc.—Tire and Rim Association, 175 Montvose West Avenue, Suite 150, Copley,
Tire and Rim Association, Inc. Annual War Book
3. Definitions
3.1 Roiling Circumference (RC)—The distance traveled by a tire In one revolution with no relative slip between the tire and ground. The measurement is made on a flat level hard surface and unless otherwise specified is done with the tire loaded to its rated capacity and inflated to its corresponng rated inflation pressure.
3.2 RoIling Circumference Index (RCI)—An integer Index value assigned to each roling circumference target dimension
3.4 Tire Marking—Adding the RCI number to the tire identification (sidewall stamping) is optional but if applied should be of the form: RCI 46 with a space between the RCI and the integer number (46 in this example).
4. Technocal Detail
4.1 All dimensions are expressed in SI units.
4.2 BoNing Circumference Index groqs have been selected to accommodate existing fire sizes. As a result, vehides designed for use with existing tires sho4id work with tires designed to the new standard and new vehedos designed for new tire sizes should also accept many existing sizes.
4.3 The ratio of BoNing Circumference is Ihe same between any two Rolling Circumference Index oups having the same difference in Rd group numbers. This alows convenient identification of suitable tire sets in MFWD tractors. For example, a rear tire in RCI gro 46 mated with a front tire in RCI group 41 represents a 5 RCI step difference. Any other tire set with a 5 RCI step difference would mechanicaly fit the tractor.
4.4 Tires with industry service codes R-1 and A-lW have whole number RCI values whereas service code R-2 tires are positioned on the 0.5 increment of RCI due to the unaque dmiensional difference associated wIth R-2 tIres
4,5 Basic tire dimensions for each tire size are as defined by the Tire and Rim Association. Inc.. and other tire standards publications.
4.6 Figures 1 and 2 show representative radiaj fires positioned in their respective locations in the RCI family groups. This lest is not Intended to be aI.inclusave. Contact your tire supplier for additional available radial sizes and whet PCI value those tires have and whers they lit in the group tables.

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