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SAE J849 pdf download

SAE J849 pdf download.Connection and Accessory Locations for Towing Multiple Trailers.
1. This SAE Recommended Practice establishes the recommended locations for the air brake and electrical connections for towing multiple trailers. It applies to all commercial trailers except drop trame and car haul types.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive. Warrendale. 15906-0001.
SAE J318—Automotive Air Brake Line Couplers (Gladhands)
SAE J560—Seven-Conduclor Electrical Connector for Truck-Trailer Jumper Cable
SAE J702—Brake and Electrical Connection Locations—Truck-Tractor and Truck-Trailer
2.2 Related Publications—The following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not a required part of this document.
2.2.1 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION (ISO) PuGucATION—Available from ISO Copyright Office, Case postale 56. CH-121 1 Geneva.
ISO 4009 “Commercial Vehicles—Location of electrical and pneumatic connections between towing vehicles and trailers”
3. Connection and Mounting Structure—Connection and mounting structure should conform the dimensional parameters of Figures 1 ana 2 and must withstand normal use without residual deformation to the mounting or trailer structure. In the case of trailers designed for use with C-dollies, refer to Figure 3.
4. Brake and Electrical Connections
4.1 Connection Location at Back of Trailer (Standard)—Brake and electrical connections should be located as shown in Figure 1. Any auxiliary electrical connectors should be mounted just inboard from the J560 connector.
4.2 ConnectIon Location at Back of Trailer (C.Dollies)—8rake and electiical connections should be located as shown in Figure 3. Any auxiliary electrical connectos should be mounted lust In-board from the J560 connector, All connection locations should be on the roadside of the undernde guard, for ease of access.
4.3 ConnectIon Location at Front of Trailer(s)—Brake and electrical connections at the front of a trailer should be located in accordance with SAL 3702,
4.4 ElectrIcal Connections—The electrical connection should meet the provisions contained In SAE 3560.
4.S Brake Connection—The air brake connections should meet the provisions contained in SAE J31 8.

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