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SAE J1071 pdf download

SAE J1071 pdf download.Operator Controls for Graders.
1. This SAE Standard covers the relative position and direction of motion of controls which influence the movement of the machine and the operating direction only of equipment controls.
There is no intention to eliminate or restrict the use of combination controls, automatic controls, or special operating controls.
1.1 Purpose—This document is intended as a guide for designing uniform operator controls for graders. Graders are defined in SAE J/1SO 6165.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest version of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1 1 SAE PUBLICATION—Available from SAE. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA I 5096•000 1.
SAE J896—Control Locations for Off-Road Work Machines
SAE JIISO 61 65—Earthmoving Machinery—Basic Types—Vocabulary
3. General
13.1 Reference MaterIal—It Is recommended that controls be located In the zones as set forth in SAE J898.
3.2 Control function and movement shall be clearly identified except when a control is well recognized due to commonly established shape and location convention.
3.3 The recommendations made herein are based on the human factors consideration that operators expect a Consistent effect from any given direction of movement ol the control.
4. Machine Controls
4.1 Steering—The steering control(s) shall be located directly in front of the seat. Clockwise rotation or rearward motion shall turn the machine to the right; countercfockwise rotation or forward motion shall turn the machine to the left. Rear steer controls shall be located on the steering column or to the right of the steering column.
4.2 Service Brakes—The service bake pedal shall be located so that it can be operated with the operators right toot with the direction of motion forward and/or downward for application.
4.3 Clutch Control—This pedal. if provided, shall be located so that it can be operated with the operator’s left foot with the direction of motion forward anctor downward for disengagement.
4.4 EngIne Speed
4.4.1 THR0TFLE—The throttle shall be located so that it can be operated with the operators right hand.
4.4,2 ACCELERATOR—The accelerator pedal, if provided, shall be located so that it can be operated with the right foot with the direction of motion forward and.or downward to increase engine speed.
4.4.3 ACCELERATOR/DECELERATOR—The accelerator/decelerator pedal, if povided. shall be located so that it can be operated with the right f cot. With the right foot resting on the pedal, pushing downward with the toe shall Increase engine speed and pushing downward with the heel shall decrease engine speed.
4.4,4 DECELERATOR—The decelerator pedal, if provided, shall be located so that it can be operated with the right foot with the direction of motion forward and/or downward to decrease engine speed.
4.5 TransmIssion Selector
4.5,1 All hand-operated gear selectors shall be located so that they can be operated with the right hand.
4.5.2 DIRECTION CON TROt Hand Operated—If a separate direction control is provided, it shall be located to the left of all other gear selectors and shalt be moved forward from neutral for forward motion and rearward from neutral for rearward motion. Foot Operated—This control, if provided, shall be located so that it can be operated with the left foot. With the foot resting on the pedal. pushing downward with the toe shall cause forward motion and pushing downward with the heel shall cause rearward motion.
4.5.3 A device shall be provided that will permit securing the transmission in neutral on nondirect-drive machines.
4.5.4 A device shall be provided to insure that the engine cranking torque will not be transmitted through the power train and cause machine movement.
5 Equipment Controls
5.1 CIrcle Turn (II provlded)—Moving the control forward or rotating the control counterclockwise shall rotate the blade counterclockwise. Moving the control rearward or rotating the control clockwise shall rotate the blade clockwise.
5.2 Blade Lilt—Moving the control(s) forward shall lower the blade: moving the control(s) rearward shall raise the blade.

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