BS EN 137:2006 pdf download
BS EN 137:2006 pdf download.Respiratory protective devices — Self-containedopen-circuitcompressed air breathing apparatus with full face mask —Requirements, testing,marking.
6.5 Cleaning and disinfectina
Al rmaterial shall be visibly unimpaired after cleaning and disinfeclion by the agenls and procadures speclid bythe marufacluree.
Teeling shall be dione in accordance vih 7. 3 and 7.11.
6.6 Mass
TIhe mass of the appamalus as ready for use wilh full face mhiask andfully charged pressule vissel(s) shall natcxoocd 18 kg
Testing shall be done in accordance vith 7.1 and ?.3.6.7 Connections
Compenants ol the appratus shall be readily separaled for cleaning, examining and lesting.All demountablecannections shall be roondily connocted and socurod, where possible by hand.Any moans for sceing usod shall boretained in position when the jants anxd couplings are discorrneclted curng normal use and maintenance.
Tosting shall be done in accardance vith 7.3 and 7.11.
6.7.2couplings fif fitted
The apparalus shall be conetructad se that any twisting of the hesas and lubes does not afect the fit orperioxmanco of te apparatus,ar cause the hosos end or tubes to becorme tigconnectod. The design of thecoup ings shall be such as to prevent unintentionall initerruption af the ar supply.
Testing shall be done in accardanoe vith 7.3 and 7.11.
6.7.3 Strength of connectlons to full face mask, domand valve and broathing hoso if fited)
Conrections of the breathng hose {il fited) te the full face mask eonnector and 1o the demand valve cr betweenthe full face mask connecpr and the derand valva shail waichstand a force of 25O N,
Tesling shaill be done in accordance wilh 7.9.
e.7.4connectlon between apparatus and full faca mask
The connsction betveen the apperatua and the full face mask may be achleved by a permanant, special or thraadlyve cornackor.ll a lhresarl cannieclor is usod, eiltlner i shall cxmply with thes requireInerils olf cnme of lhe lallowing lowo=uropean Stadarts:
EN 148-1 fer breathing apparatus withaut pasitive prsSure;EN 148-3 fcr breathing apparatus with positire prassure
or, if any other thrcad typa connector is usod ,it shall nct be posslble to cannact it wth the above mantionedthrends
The throad according to EN 148-2 shall not bo usod with the oquipmont covernod by thisEuropeoan Stancard.
5.7.5High.rmeciurn ana low pressure connections
High, mndiurn and low prcsaurc connoctians sahall not bc intcrchangcnblc.Tesling shall be done in accardance vilh ?.3.
6.8Full face imask
Type 1 self-comtained open-crcuit compressed air breathing apparatus shall have at least a ful fece mesk class 2aocording lo EN 136:1995.
Type 2 self-contained open-cIrcut compressed air breathing apparatus shall be squipped with a ful face maskclass 3 accorcling to EN 136:199B.
Tosting shall bo done in accardanco with 7.3.
6.日 Body harness
The body hamess shall bo detigned to aliyw the user to don and deff tho apparatu quickly and easly withoutassistange and shall be adjustable.All adjusting devices shall be so construcled that once adjusted they will notslipinadvertenty.
The bady haness shvall be constructed such that when tested in praclical perforrnance tests the apparatus shall bewcm without svnidsble discomfaort, the wEarer sha show nc unda sign of slrain atirbutable to wearing theapparatus. and that the apparaus shall impede the wecror as litie as possble when in a crouched position orwhen working in any space iwitn restricled access or limited movement.
The body haness shal bo considered sat sfactory if curing the pracxcal performance tsst it doss not slip ardcantinues to Pold the apparalus secrely to the wearar ‘s bady throughcul lhe QuraL or of test.
Tosting shall bo dane in accardanco with 7.11.
6.10 Practical performance
The eomplete apaaraltus shall undarga pra.tbcal performarce lasts u/ndar veais tic conditions.T hesn general tastsselve the purpoee of checking the apparaus for imperfeclicns that cannat be daterm inad by the tests descrbecelsewhere in this Euirapean Siandard.
if during any activity. by any test suyject the test subjoct fails to finalise the solected actvity dve to the apparatusbeing not fit for the purpose for which it has been dasigned, the apparatus shall be deemed to have failed.
Afler completion of the aclivilties lhe lesl subjects are asked to answer the questicns in 6.5 cEN 13274-2:2D01.These anSw治rs wil be used by the les houe to cetermine if the appiwatus pAses or Tails.
The tent hcuse shall provide full details of thasr arts af the pracdical parformanc.a teasts which revealed these lim perfections.