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BS EN 14893:2006 pdf download

BS EN 14893:2006 pdf download.LPG equipment and accessories一 Transportable Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) welded steel pressure drums with a capacity between 150 litres and 1000 litres.
D is the outside diameter of the drum in mm
T is the minrum value of tensile strength in the finished drum in N/mm2
In no case shall the thickness be less than 2,5 mm,
If the materials used for shell and ends are different, the calculation shall be carried out for each component using the appropriate properties
5.4 Support loadings
The drum and supports, if any, shall be designed to withstand the greater of the following:
1) static load when the drum Is filled with water.
2) maximum operating mass of the drum subject to 2g acceleration acting vertically down and horizontally, and ig acting vertically up.
Where g is the acceleration due to gravity.
Thés shall be demonstrated by experimental testing or calculation In accordance with a recognised pressure vessel standard or specification. e.g. EN 13445-3.
Under the forces defined above, the stresses in the drum and its fastenings shall not exceed the following;
a) for general membrane stress in the shell, remote from the supports — the normal design stress as defined In E.1:
b) for stresses local to the supports, determined either by experimental analysis or calculation/special analysis — the
limits specified in accordance with a recognised pressure vessel standard or specification. e.g. EN 13445-3.
5.5 Lifting lug loadings
The lifting lugs shall be designed to accept the maximum loads anticipated during construction and handling in service. applying an acceleration of 2g vertically downwards and an assumed sling angle of 45°. This shall be demonstrated by experimental testing or calculation in accordance with a recognised pressure vessel standard or specification. e.g EN 13445-3. Stress limits as specified In 5.4 apply.
5.6 Openings
5.6.1 General
Drums shall be prooded with the minimum number of openings required to satisfy the need for fittings to meet service raquwements.
Openings shall be positioned and/or ouped in such a way that their fittings can be protected as required by 5.7. For drums not fixed into a protective framework, the openings shall be located in the ends only.
5.6.2 Reinforcement
Each opening shall be reinforced by a boss, pad or compensating plate attached by welding and designed in accordance with Annex E.
5.6.3 Position of welds
The welds of opening reinforuernents shall be clear of longitudinal and circumferential welds and welds of other opening reinforcements by a minimum of 40 mm between the weld edges.
5.6.4 Fittings connections
All connections, except for float gauges, shall be threaded or flanged and shall not exceed DN 50.
AN threads for ter threaded connections shall comply with ANSI/ASME BI 20.1.
Flanged connections shall comply with EN 1092-1
Float gauge connections shall comply with EN 13799.
5.7 Protection of fittings
5.7.1 General
Drums shall be such that all fittings are situated inside the contour of end shrouds or within a protective frame.
5.7.2 End shrouds
End shrouds for drums Intended to be rolled shall have a minimum thickness of 10 mm, or 7 mm If fitted with a reinforcing ring.
The shrouds shall be attached to the receptacle by welding for at least 50 % of their circumference, Shrouds shall have holes or cutaways large enough to allow for drainage,
5.7.3 Protective frame
Where fitted, the protective frame shall be designed to allow a safe handling of the assembly by mechanical means ag. crane, forklift truck, 3 poInts systent
The frame shall be a welded steel structure and shall be designed to protect the fillings against damage leading to leakage in service. This shall be demonstrated by the drop test specified in 12.4
The drum shall be totally or parity inserted and fixed in the frame by adequate means in a vertical or horizontal position.
5.7.4 Local protection
In addition to the general protection specified in 5.7.1, 5.72 and 5.7.3, fittings shall be provided with local protection
against unauthorised access.
5.8 Rolling hoops
Horizontal drums which are capable of being rolled (i.e. not fitted with saddle supports or inside a frame) shaM be provided with two rolling hoops to protect the pressure envelope from damage during rolling
Where the hoops are fitted to the pressure retaining part of the drum they shall be attached by continuous fillet welds on both sides ci the hoop. The minimum leg length of these fillet welds shall be 5 mm.
Where the hoops are fitted to a non pressure attachment (e.g. shroud) then intermittent welds of not less than 50 % of the circumference are permissible.

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