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IEC 62092:2001 pdf download

IEC 62092:2001 pdf download.Ultrasonics – Hydrophones – Characteristics and calibration in the frequency range from 15 MHz to 40 MHz.
5.4 Sensitivity
The end-of-cable sensitivity of the hydroplione unit shall be stated In V/Pa or In decimal subrnultiples, or as a logarithmic level in dB with reference to a stated sensitivity value.
If an Integral amplifier contributes to the sensitivity value given, this shall be stated
NOTE I End-oi-cabl. relers to he end of the output cable of the hydrophon. unit. with or wilhoul an Integral ampflhler,
It shall be stated whether the sensitivity value given Is understood as end-of-cable open- circuit sensitivity or as the end-of-cable loaded sensitivity. In the latter case. the relevant electric loading Conditions shall be stated, i.e. the electric load impedance in order to obtain the stated sensitivity.
The uncertainty of the stated sensitivity shall be given.
NOTE 2 Table A.1 summarizes ove4all measurement uncerlalnllee of the most widely used calibration techniques.
The frequency Interval over which the sensitivity is given and over which the uncertainty applies shah be stated. For the purposes of this standard. sensibvity and uncertainty values may be given separately for several frequency inlervals.
The methods by which the sensitivity and its uncertainty have been obtained shall be described.
5.5 Frequency response
The hydrophone sensitivity as a function of frequency shall be stated either graphically or as a list of values and over a frequency range containing at least the frequency band claimed under 5.3. If It is given as a list of values or as discrete points in a graph, the frequency distance between adjacent points should not be greater than 1 MHz. as far as the frequency range of this International Standard is concerned
The frequency response may be given in terms of absolute sensitivity values or in a relative representation, relative with reference to the absolute hydrophone sensitivity at a certain frequency. in the case of the relative representation, the reference sensitivity and the frequency to which it applies shall be stated.
The statement of the frequency response should refer to the same conditions as the sensitivity statement according to 5.4. If it is understood as referring to different conditions. this shall be clearly stated and formulas shall be given for interrelating the various sensitivities.
If the uncertainty of the sensitivity values in the frequency response representation dilfers from the general uncertainty assessment of 5.4, this shall be clearly stated and the new or additional uncertainty be given. in case the frequency response Is presented graphically only, the additional uncertainty due to reading of the graph shall be less than 10% of the total uncertainty listed.
If the frequency response Is given as a list of absolute sensitivity values, the sensitivity statement according to 5.4 may be omitted.
NOTE 1 The frequency respons. and, h.nce, thc hydrophon. class, may depend on the .l.ctric ioad conditions.
NOTE 2 In a practical application tile hrdtophone i used with subsequent electronic components such as amplifier, oscilloscope etc., the frequency response 01 the whose system IS, oP course, influenced at so by the frequency response of these additional components
It, for the directional response in question, a and品are equal to each other within +10 %
(of the maximum value), their arithmetic mean shall be used as the effective radius. If not,
that value of the two shall be used whose corresponding angle θ is closer to 10°.
If the two effective radius values thus obtained for the two measurements at perpendicular
rotational axes are equal to each ather within +10 % (of the maximum value), only their
arithmetic mean and a statement of this need be given, otherwise both values shall be given.
If in any of the directional response results obtained, the angle between the direction of
maximum response and the hydrophone axis is greater than 1/10 of the angular difference
between the left-hand -6 dB direction and the right-hand -6 dB direction, this shall be stated
and the deviation-of-axis angle be given, if not done already according to 5.6.

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