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IEC 62099:2001 pdf download

IEC 62099:2001 pdf download.Fibre optic wavelength switches – Generic specification.
2.1.4 Interface standard
Where a particular switch variant possesses an integral interface intended to mate to a connector, the interface shall conform to the relevant connector interface standard.
2.1.5 Environmental category
Various environmental categories are given in the blank detail specifications associated with this standard. These define the test sequences needed tor quality assurance.
Detail specification writers may add tests and/or groups of tests to a particular environmental category.
However, the detail specification writer shall not remove tests nor alter the sequence of an environmental category standard.
When a detail specihication writer adds tests to a specified category. the environmental category shall be given a plus (+) designation.
Examples: Environmental category ii +
Environmental category v (+)
The blank detail specification I or environmental category 99 is available for use where the category standards are not suitable.
2.1.6 Assessment level
Assessment level defines the inspection levels and the acceptable quality level (AOL), of groups A and B and the periodicity of inspection of groups C and 0. Detail specifications shall specify one or more assessment levels, each of which shall be designated by a capital letter
The following are preferred levels.
• Assessment level A
– group A inspection:
– group B inspection:
– group C inspection:
– group D inspection:
• Assessment level B
– group A inspection:
– group B inspection:
— group C inspection:
— group D inspection:
• Assessment level C
— group A inspection:
— group B inspection:
— group C inspection:
— group D inspection:
Inspection level II, AOL = 4 %
Inspection level II, AOL = 4 $
24-month periods
48-month periods
Inspection level II, AOL — I $
Inspection level II, AOL — 1 $
18-month periods
36-month periods
Inspection level II, AOL • 0,4 %
Inspection level II, AOL • 0,4 %
12-month periods
24-month periods
One additional assessment level may be added in the detail specification, When this is done. the capital letter X shall be used,
2.1.7 Normative reference extension
Normative relerence extensions are used to identity integrated independent standards specilications or other reference documents into blank detail specifications.
Unless a specified exception is noted, additional requirements imposed by an extension are mandatory. Usage is primarily intended to merge associated components to form hybrid devices. or integrated functional application requirements that are dependent on technical expertise other than fibre optics.
Published reference documents produced by the ITU. consistent with the scope statements of the relevant lEG specification series may be used as extensions. Published documents produced by other regional standardization bodies such as TIA. ETSI, JIS, etc.. may be referenced in an informative annex attached to the generic specification.
2.2 DocumentatIon
2.2.1 Symbols
Graphical and letter symbols shall, whenever possible, be taken from IEC 60027, lEG 60617 and lEG 61748.
2.2.2 SpecificatIon system
This specification is part of the lEG specification system. Subsidiary specifications shall consist of blank detail specifications and detail specifications. This system is shown in table 1. There are no sectional specifications for switches.
22.2.2 Detail specification
A specific switch is described by a corresponding detail specification. which is prepared by filling in the blanks of the blank detail specification. Within the constraints imposed by this generic specification, the blank detail specification may be filled in by any national committee of the IEC, thereby defining a particular switch design as an official IEC standard.
Detail specifications shall specify the following as applicable:
— type(see2.1.1);
— style(see2.1.2);
— variant(s) (see 2.1,3):
— environmental category (see 2.1.5):
— assessment level (see 2.1.6)
— qualification procedure method (see 3.3);
— part identification number for each variant (see 2.7.1);
— drawings, dimensions required (see 2.2.3):
— quality assessment test schedules (see 2.5):
– performance requirements (see 2.6).
2.2.3 Drawings
The drawings and dimensions given in detail specifications shall not restrict details of construction, nor shall they be used as manufacturing drawings. Projection system
Either first-angle or third-angle projection shall be used for the drawings In documents covered by this specification. All drawings within a document shall use the same projection system and the drawings shall state which system is used. Dimensional system
All dimensions shall be given in accordance with ISO 129, ISO 266-1 and ISO 1101.
The metric system shall be used in all specifications.
Dimensions shall not contain more than five significant digits.
When units are converted, a note shall be added in each detail specification.

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