BS 5709:2001 pdf download
BS 5709:2001 pdf download.Gaps, gates and stiles ——Specification.
4.3 Pedestrian gates and bridle gates
Pedestrian gates and bridle gates shall conform to the following requirements in addition to those of 4.1 (see examples in Figure 2 and Figure 3).
a)The minimum clear width of pedestrian gates shall be 1 000mm and the minimum width of bridle gates between posts shall be 1 525 mm.
NOTE 1 Many path mainirnaner vehicles can gain aciess to paths through a 1 525 Inn S5CtThS bctwren pa.ts
b) Latches, if fitted, shall be visible, accessible and operable from both sides of the gate. NOTE 2 All litehes ehould be esails unlatched and sample to operate
C) Gates shall swing freely and a force no greater than 50 N shall be needed to open them fully, NOTE 3 50 N is approximately represented by 5 kg on a spring b1anre scale.
d) Sclf.closing pedestrian gates and bridle gates which do not adjoin roads shall be two-way.
NOTE 4 Gates are normally eusier to use far .11 users if they open in the direction of tonvel. La, thr’ are twoway. This avoids back4rack)ng to open the gate. It also avoids the flak cab sadt-clu.sing gates of the horse or mohibty vehicle being )ammned by the closing gate.
NOTES The recommended method otselt• isby means of offset hrngas.
e) A manocuvnng space shall be provided either side of pedestrian gates and bridle gates to allow path users to operate the latch (if fitted) as well as to pass through the gateway.
NOTES The opening adr atone-cay games will nonnally need aubatarnially muse monoeuvnng space than mwo.cmmy glues owing to the need for the user to keep out at the way of the gate as it opens. Some borsea and mobility vehicle, med at least 3 an diameter to turn around in
I) Gateposts shall not be used as straining posts for a fence.
g) In order to reduce shearing action on fingers etc. where two-way gates swing past a post, gates shall be at least 30 mm from the post they swing past (except for any latch area).
h) For gates on public paths, a notice indicating a publk footpath or bridleway shall be made clearly visible to users approaching from either side of the gate. The notice shall be on the structure or within 2 m ofit.
NOTE 7 Sew the Counrymde Commission’s publwauon Wayn,arkEa,gpsibk ,Peu of was, CCP246, tPtI’2 ISland the Countrysode Act 1965. section 27 (5J.
i) For one.way opening gates, the overlap at the closing line on the closing post shall be at least 30 mm.
4.4 Kissing gates
Kissing gates shall conform to the following requirements in addition to those of 4.1 (see examples in Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7).
a) A minimum internal manoeuvring space shall be provided so as to allow a I m diameter cylinder to pass through the kissing gate with its flat end on the ground.
NOTE 1 This requirement aUow. many mobility vehicles. including most pusbebaurs and same wheelchairs, to pass through the gate but deters motor cycles Ia trapeziwn shape tare example in Figure 41 aikiws thi. requinaneni to hr met whilst kreping the sise of the atruct.uie to a ,ntnimuml
NOTE 2 With a self.closig gate. with or without latches, larger tdec’prr from gate to end of encissure) encloiurrs are also stnckproo( and can allow’ larger wlwekhairs to pass through the gate A -pace of I 11(5) join from the gate in mid penition to the end point of the mr end of the enclosure allows large whrelchsirs to pass through, but also allows many motorcycles. A space of I 441(1 mm prevent. moat motnrevelea A awww of 1 201) mm to I 441(1 mm allows moat puahdiairs but prevents wheelchairs,
NOTE a Where the length from the gate to the end of the enclorure is less than 1 600 mm conaidreation should be given to the prosision of a RADAR Ir.rk operated gaie. This RADAR gale may be either the gate hat (arms part olihe kissing gate or a separate gate.
b) Latches, if fitted, shall be easily accessible from both sides of the kissing gate by all path users. C) Gates shall swing freely.