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BS 8298-2:2010 pdf download

BS 8298-2:2010 pdf download.Code of practice for the design and installation of natural stone cladding and lining-Part 2: Traditional handset external cladding.
5.11.3 Bolt tightening
AU bolt fixings should be tightened in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended torque figures. Due to the nature of the material, once installed and tightened to the correct torque, anchor bolts should not be retightened as relaxation naturally takes place.
NOTE The manufacturers’ declared working loads (for bolts carrying ETA or CE marks) take into account this relaxation.
5,12 Resin bonded fixings
NOTE Attention is drawn to resin bonded fixings be.’ng supplied/supported with the appropriate ETA performance certificate or CE marking.
In some situat ions, resin bonded fixings can be used. Their effectiveness depends upon:
a) the shelf life of the resin;
b) the standard of workmanship;
c) the t)ipe of structure;
d) the occurrence of voids in the structure.
Where these matters can be satisfactorily resolved and their structural adequacy proved by project specific testing, there are occasions when such anchors can be used to transmit loads in shear.
A resin bonded fixing, with an appropriate expected design life, should selected,
5.13 Load-bearing masonry supports
In addition to the metal fixing methods, support can be provided by.
a) bonder or corbel courses forming part of the background, the background and cladding being built simultaneously;
b) beams, Pooi slabs or units projecting from the face of the background.
The positional accuracy of the structural supports is critical to proper setting of the units, and these should be constructed with a permissible deviation not exceeding ±10 mm. In the case of structural corbel courses, etc. that provide direct support for the units, between half and two thirds of the unit thickness should receive direct bearing upon the support. Stainless steel load-bearing fixings should be used because of the degree of accuracy required when using a continuous corbel.
Where the cladding is to be restrained to a solid or cavity wall (whether on a masonry structure or on a concrete-framed structure with brick or block infill panels) sufficient time should be left to allow the mortar bedding to cure before fixings are installed.
NOTE See 858298-7 for construction tolerances,
5.14 Glued and pinned returns
Where two pieces of stone are fabricated to provide a stone with a return piece to form at the external corner, the size of the return and method of gluing and pinning should be carefully considered. Whether a butt joint or birds’ mouth joint, the corner should use.
NOTE All gluing and p.nnvng needs to be carr,ed our under controlled conditions at the manufacturing works
Where longer returns are needed. consideration should be given to the methods of transportation, handling, installation and external loadings, e.g. wind loads and live loads.
5.15 Fascia, pilaster and stall-riser stones
Where the fascia, pilaster or stall-riser stones are fixed to a framework the framework should consist of suitable members having adequate strength and stiffness, securely fixed to the building. If timber is used, it should be preserved in accordance with BS EN ISO 11600.
6 Jointing and pointing
6.1 General
A jOint might need to be both loaobearing, or to aciommodate movements of the cladding and any movement of the superstructure that can be transmitted to the cladding; in all cases, joints should be weathertight. The joint should always take account of the respective manufacturing, setting out and assembly deviations of the materials used in accordance with 85 5606 and B5 6093.
When selecting the type of joint to be used, the following points should be taken into account.
a) The joint should be simple (square cut edge) so that reasonable manufacturing tolerances can be allowed and the erection procedure is straightforward.
b) Allowance should be made for movements of the building and dimensional changes in the joints between units.
NOTE The type of jointing or pointing depends upon the type, size, thickness and surface finish of the cladding units and also its location on the building, environmental conditio,i, aesthetic requirements and designed life.

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