BS 10500:2011 pdf download
BS 10500:2011 pdf download.Specification for ananti-bribery management system (ABMS).
2.3 business associate
any party with whom the organization contracts, including but not limited to clients, customers, joint venture partners, consortium partners, contractors, consultants, sub-contractors, suppliers, vendors, advisors, agents, distributors, representatives and intermediaries (but eccluding personnel)
NOTE Different types of business associate pose different types and degrees of risk, and may therefore be treated differently by the organization’s risk assessment and procedurei
2.4 compliance declaration
record of acknowledgement by personnel that they have read the anti-bribery policy and agree to comply with It (see 4.2.3a)J
2.5 complIance manager
manager of the organization responsible for implementing the ABMS (see 4.4.2)
2.6 conflict of interest
situation where outside business or family connections could interfere with the judgement of personnel in carrying out their duties for the organization
2.7 facilitation payment
illegal or unofficial payment made in return for services which the payer is legally entitled to receive without making such payment
NOTE It is normally a relatively minor payment made to a public official or person with a certifying function in order to secure or expedite the performance of a routine or necessary action, such as a visa, work permit or customs clearance.
2.8 implement
design, develop, introduce, operate, maintain, monitor and continually improve
2.9 management system
system to establish policy and objectives and to achieve those objectives
lBS EN ISO 9000:20051
2.10 organization
corporation, company, firm, partnership, enterprise, authority or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated or not, public, private or voluntary, that has its own functions and administration
NOTE For organizations with more than one operating unit a single operating unit may be defined as an organization.
2.11 personnel
organization’s directors, officers, employees and temporary staff or workers
2.12 top management
person or group of people who direct and control the organization at the highest level
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3 Planning
3.1 Planning
The organization shall plan for the adoption of an anti-bribery policy and the implementation of an ABMS by ensuring that the following steps are taken
a) Allocating responsibility for planning to personnel of appropriate seniority.
b) Appointing appropriately qualified personnel to conduct a risk assessment to identify what activities or other aspects of the organization’s business have bribery risks.
C) Assessing in what manner and to what extent the ABMS should be implemented by the organization, taking into account the factors in 3.2.
d) Writing the anti-bribery policy.
e) Designing or modifying the necessary policies procedures arid controls for the ABMS.
f) Determining the necessary resources (including funding, personnel, equipment and materials) needed to implement the ARMS.
g) Preparing an Implementation timetable with clearly identified responsibilities and timelines.
3.2 Scope of the ABMS
The ARMS to be implemented by the organization shall be reasonable and proportionate having regard to the nature and extent of bribery risks which the organization faces and taking into account the:
a) size of the organization.
b) countries and sectors in which the organization operates;
C) nature, scale and complexity of the organization’s activities and operations;
d) organization’s existing and potential business associates; and
e) applicable statutory, regulatory, contractual and/or professional obligations and duties.
4 Adopting an anti-bribery policy and implementing the ABMS
4,1 Anti-bribery policy and ABMS
4.1.1 The organization shall adopt and record an anti-bribery policy. NOTE The policy need not be a complex document which lists all the organization’s anti-bribery procedures. It may be a brief, simple statement by the organization that it:
a) prohibits bribery, and
b) will Implement meawres to:
1) prevent bribery; and
2) detect report and deal with any bribery which does occur.
The detailed policies, procedures and controls designed to achieve b) are contained in the ABMS (see 4. L2).
The policy may be a separate documenr or may form part of the organization’s policy which deals with other ethical issues,
4.12 The organization shall implement an ARMS comprising the appropriate policies, procedures and controls specified in 42 to 4.18 and Clauses 5 and 6 in a manner which is reasonable and proportionate having regard to the nature and extent of bribery risks which the organization faces, and taking into account the factors in 3.2.