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BS EN 15759-1:2011 pdf download

BS EN 15759-1:2011 pdf download.Conservation of cultural property – Indoor climate Part 1: Guidelines for heating churches,chapels and other places of worship.
4 General aspects to be considered before and during the application of the standard
4.1 Overall objective of any Intervention
The reason for a proposed intervention shall be clearly defined with respect to the conservation and use of the building. As long as the histonc Indoor dimate is not causing any damage, It need not neoessanly be altered unless change In use or other requirements make it necessary. Heating is not an objective in itself.
4.2 The individual character of the building
This European Standard is based on the notion that places of worship in general share enough common characteristics for a standard to be meaningful. On the other hand, it recognizes that the control of the indoor climate of each building is a complex task which requires taking into account many factors particular to the individual building, its contents, its use and its context, Therefore, this European Standard shall be applied with understanding and respect for the individual character of each budding.
4.3 Professional support
The process of designing a new or altering an existing heating system shall be carried out by a multidisciplinary team in close consultation with the users of the building. The team shall include all relevant expertise, induding specialists prolessionally qualified In the conservation of structures and hentage items, and In all other relevant technical aspects Involved.
4.4 The effect of Installations
For all installations related to changes in the heating system. the following factors shall be considered:
— structural alterations to the budding related to ducting, pipe work, cabling etc shall be avoided unless absolutely necessary. The need for equipment rooms shall be considered at an early stage;
installations involving damage to walls or the excavation of floors shall be subject to prior inspection comment and agreement by the relevant experts and authorities. Special attention must be paid to hidden paint layers and to the under floor archaeology of the building, including tombs and earlier construction phases:
— reduction of additional damaging interventions, the lifespan of the proposed installations shall be given greater prionty than Is generally the case for modern buildings:
— installations chosen shall be as visually unobtrusive as possible;
— account shall be taken of any light and sound emitted by heating installations which may be disturbing to the users
4.5 Sustainability and energy efficiency
Sustainable general and energy efficiency in particular should be coosidtred at each step ii the application of this standard. Given the specification for indoor climate based on conservation aspects and the use of the building, heating strategies and systems shall be chosen in order to minimise the use of energy and the environmental impact.
5 Assessment of building, interiors and contents
5.1 Building structure and its condition
Before deciding on a new or modified heating system. It is important to establish whether:
— the perceived need for intervention Is related to the climate envelope of the building itself rather than the need for a new or improved the heating system;
– parts of the building would be at nak if the heating strategy or heating system was altered.
For these purposes, a condition survey of the building is required. The European Standard prEN 16096 provides guidelines for condition survey 01 immovable cultural heritage objects. In the survey, special attention shall be paid to the building envelope: moisture transport, air tightness and thermal insulation. The survey shall also include the condition and functionality of existing heating installations.
5.2 Building interiors and contents
The condition or the surface decoration and significant contents shall be surveyed. The European Standard prEN 16095 provides guidelines on condition report, visual inspection and description of movable cultural hentage. In the survey, special attention shall be paid to the condition of wall paintings, some of which may be hidden under layers of plaster or paint, and to that of stone monuments, stained glass, painted and unpainted woodwork, canvas paintings, textiles (e.g. banners), metalwork (e.g. lecterns and brasses) and objects of mixed materials such as organs.
5.3 Use of the building
The initial assessment shall include a descnption of the heating demand wi relation to the present and planned use of the building, and Is to take Into account patterns of worship and visiting: liturgical arrangements. performances and secular activities.
5.4 AIr exchange
The air exchange of a building, whether it Is due to mechanical ventilation, natural ventilation or mfdtration. (leakage) can have a significant influence on the indoor climate and hence on climate control decision-making. Although this standard is limited to heating, it is essential to consider the two in tandem. When choosing a heating strategy and designing a heating system, the following aspects of air exchange shal be taken into account.

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