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BS EN 15876-2:2011 pdf download

BS EN 15876-2:2011 pdf download.Electronic fee collection -Evaluation of on-board and roadside equipment for conformity to EN 15509 Part 2: Abstract test suite.
7.3 implementation conventions
7.3.1 Declaration part
The comment hne of single element TTCN tab4es (e.g. test suite constants) Is used to give a reference where the format and content of the element Is described In the relevant protocol document. Any particularity of the element format or content is described I, the comment tine.
The detailed comments are used to describe any peculiarity of the table.
In the ASP. PDIJ. and CM type declarations, the comments column is used to identify It a parameter (In ASPS) or field (In PDUs) is mandatory or optional:
— M: mandatory;
— 0: optional,
In the ASP and PDU declarations the comments column is further used to give information about the parameter/field value, in particular if the parameter/field contains a fixed spare value.
7.3.2 ConstraInt part
The ASPa and PDL.Js are defined in a way that all relevant parameters/fields are parameterized. That improves the transparency of the constraints in the dynamic part, as all values which are relevant for the test are always present.
Generally no modified constraints are used. This allows an easier reuse and adaptation of constraints il they are reused in other test specifications.
The detailed comments footer is used to describe any particularity of the table.
7.3.3 Dynamic part
All events which are defined as a conformance requirement by the TP. causes a prelwmnary verdict PASS if the requrement Is met
The preamble, the test body and the postamble have different defaults, which allows a specific verdict handling, e g. only INCONC verdicts are assigned in the preamble.
Except for local trees, test steps do not contain a default. Then there are no restrictions regarding the error handling.
TPs which are listed in the untestable TP list in Clause 6 are not considered in the ATS, thus these TC identifiers are missing in the ATS and the numbering of the TCs may not always be continuous.
B.1 Introduction
This ATS has been produced using the Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TCN) according to ISOIIEC 9646-3. The ATS was developed on a separate TTCN software tool and therefore the TTCN tables are not completely relerenced In the table of contents. The ATS itself c*:intains a lest suite overview part which prnvides additional infomiabon and relerences.
B.2 The TTCN Graphical form (TTCN.GR)
The TTCN.GR representation of this ATS is contained in an HTML tile (EN.15876-2_AP_RSE.html contained in archive EN_15876-2.zip) which accompanies the present document.
Where an Abstract Test Suite (in TTCN.2) is published in both graphical and machine processable format these two forms shall be considered equivalent. In the event that there appears to be syntactical or semantic differences between the two then the problem shall be resolved and the erroneous format (whichever it is) shall be corrected.
B.3 The TTCN Machine Processable form (TTCN.MP)
The TTCN.MP representation corresponding to this ATS is contained in an ASCII file (EN_158764_AP.RSE.mp contained in archive EN_i 5876-2.zip) which accompanies the present document
Where an Abstract Test Suite (in TTCN.2) is published in both graphical and machine processable format these two forms shall be considered equivalent, In the event that there appears to be syntactical or semantic differences between the two then the problem shall be resolved and the erroneous format (whichever it Is) shall be corrected.
D.7.2DUT information
The DUT information shall be provided by the manufacturer of the DUT in an ASCll file.The DUT informationrequired can be found in the HTML file EN_15876-2_AP_RSE.html in the Declarations Part, subsection TestSuite Parameter Declarations.

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