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BS EN 15980:2011 pdf download

BS EN 15980:2011 pdf download.Air quality – Determinationof the deposition of benz[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[j]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, dibenz[a,h]anthracene and indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene.
B.2.2.2 Materials for liquid—liquid extraction
— Funnels for filtration, diameter e.g. 200 mm
— Glass fibre filters
Separation funnels, volume e.g. 2 I
Beakers, volume e.g. 500 ml
— Round bottom flasks, volume e.g. 100 ml
B.2.2.3 Materials for SPE
— Extraction station contaeng: extraction disk holder, reservoir for extraction medium, collection chambers. flask adapter
— Reversed phase or hydrophalic extraction disk
— llflasks
B.3 Work to be done in the field
B.3.1 Bulk collectors
Handle the collector according to the manufacturer’s instructions, if commercialy purchased. The folowrng example is given for the funnel-bottle bulk collector described in A.2.
Remove one screw from the stopper.
— Hold the complete glassware deposition sampling equipment and lift It a few millimetres.
— Pull out the stopper.
Remove the glassware downwards carefully
— Use tweezers to remove coarse impurities (e.g. insects, leaves) from the funnel and rinse them carefully with high purity water, collect the rinsing water into a bottle, close and store the bottle. discd the impurities.
— Disconnect the screw cap from the collector. Close the collector.
– Connect the funnel to a clean 500 ml bottle,
— Clean the funnel with approximately 150 ml o( e.g. acetone and wiping matenal (use gloves) and collect the solvent in the 500 ml bottle.
— Store the wiping material in the bottle, disconnect the bottle and close it tightly.
— Connect the funnel with an empty 4 I collecting bottle,
— Put the bottle and the tunnel into the tube.
— Transport the filled bottles to the laboratory.
NOTE I In order to avoid breaking of glassware due to freezing 100 ml of a saturated NaCI sokition may be added before sampling, if low temperatures are espected
NOTE 2 When uswig a bulk collector for snow samping, the tunnel can be fifled before the end 01 the sampling perd. The station operator should therefore tate the collector (both funnel and bottle) indoor wienever ll a full, and cover the opening of the funnel, e.g. wth aluemnium Poll The coverwig shall have been cleaned before use and It shotid be kept on during the entire meefing process. Whie this sample it melting another collector and funnel can be installed Samples of one period can be oc.Tined.
NOTE 3 If the collected water Is weighed in order to measure the precipitation amount a separate bottle is used to collect the water from impurities flnsing.
B.3.2 Wet-only collectors
Use tweezers to remove coarse impurities (e.g. insects, leaves) from the funnel and rinse theni carefully with high purity water, collect me rinsing water into a bottle, close and store the bottle, discard the impurities.
— Disconnect the funnel and the collecting bottle (volume: 10 I), dose the bottle tightly.
— Place the 500 ml bottle under the fisinel.
— Clean the funnel with approximately 150 ml of eg. acetone and wiping material (use gloves) and collect the solvent in the 500 ml bottle.
— Put the wiping material in the bottle, disconnect the bottle and close it tightly,
— Connect the funnel with an empty 10 I bottle.
— Wipe the funnel with high purity water and paper towels.
NOTE If the collected water is weighed in order to measure the precipitabon amount a separate bottle is used to
collect the water from impurities flnsing.
8.3.3 Bergerhoff collectors
— Dismount the deposited Bergerhotf collectors (4 collectors), close them with the lids.
— Mount 4 empty, open collectors.
NOTE In order to avoid breaking of glassware due to freezing 100 ml of a saturated NaCI sokition may be added
before sampling, If low temperatures are expected.
B.4 Work to be done in the laboratory
B.4.1 Wet-only and funnel-bottle bulk collectors: treatment of collected water using liquid- liquid extraction
— Md e.g. 1 pg of surrogate standard (see EN 15549; e.g. 6-methylchry5ene (for HPLC) or perylene-d12 (for GCIMS) in 1 ml of appropriate solvent) to the sample.
Filter the collected water through a glass fibre filter into a separation funnel (volume: e.g. 2 I; caution: If the volume of the collected water is too high, divide into separate fractions!).

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