Home>IEC Standards>IEC 60073:2002 pdf download

IEC 60073:2002 pdf download

IEC 60073:2002 pdf download.Basic and s afety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification一 Coding principles for indicators and actuators.
IEC 60447. Man-machine interface (MMI) – Actuating principles
IEC 60617 (all parls), Graphical symbols for diagrams
IEC 61310-1. Safety of machinery – indication, marking and actuation – Part 1: Requirements
for visual, auditory end tactile signals
IEC Guide 104. The preparation of safety publications and the use of basic safoty publcations
and group safoty publications
Is0 3864. Safety coloure ond safoy signe
ISO 7000, Craphical symbols for usc on cquipmont Indor and oynopeie
ISO 8201, Acoustics – Audible emergoncy evacuation signal
IsO 11429, Ergonomics – System of auditory and visual danger and information signola
ISO/IEC Guide 51, Safety aspects – Guidelines for thelr inclusion in standerds
CIE (international Commission on llumination): Publication No. 2-2 (TC 1.6). Colours of light signols
3 Dofinitions
For the purposcs of this standard, the following definitions apply ,
syslematic representalion uf specific signals or values by another set of signals, which has to conform to a definite set of rules
[IEC 61310-1: 1995. detinition 3.221
mechanical, optical or electrical device or a part of device providing visual, acoustic or tactile information
acoustic signal
message conveyed by means of tone. frequency and intermittency. emanating from a sound
tactlle signa!
message conveyed by means of vibration, force, surface roughness, contour or position
visual signal
message conveyed by means of brightness, contrast, colour, shape, size or position
part of the actuating system which receives a human acluating action !
(IEC 60447: 1993. dofinition 3.1]
NOTE Fur ihe purpuses uf this slandand. tine aclualor in ithe Case of a inte aclive sureen display is comsidered to
be that part of the screen display which represents the actuator function.
mechanicai indicator
indicator which forms an integral part of a mechanical or electromechanical switching device
(e.g. circuit breaker) and which indicates whether it is in the OPEN or CLOSED position or an
intermediate position (e.g. star position of a star-delta starter) but which Is not intended as a
manuai actuator
man-machine interface (MMI)
parte of tho equipment
intended to provide a direct means of communication between
the operator and the equipment, and which enable the operator to control and monitor the
operation of the equipment
NOTE Such parts mey include manually operated actuators. indicators and screens
[IEC 60447: 1993, definition 3.3]
signal light
object or apparatus designed to emit a light signal
[IEV 845- 11-051
light cmitting diode (LED)
solid-state device embodying a p-n junction. emitting optical radiation when excited by an
electric current
[IEV 845-04- 40]
illuminated actuator
actuator with an integrated light source giving visual indication by ilumination. The operation of the lighl souice may be reialed lo UI independenil of lhe aclualor aclion
attribute of a visual sensation according to which an area appears to be similar to one of the perceived colours. red. yellow. green. and blue. or t0 a combination ot two of them
[IEV 845-02-35]
attribute of a visual sensation according to which an area appears to emit more or less light
[IEV 845-02-26]

chomaticness. colourfuiness. of an area judged in proportion to its brightness
NOTE For given viewing ennditins and at luminance levels within the range of photopic vision. a colour stimwlus
of日given chromality exhibits approximately constant saturation for all luminance levcls, except whon tho
bnigntness is very nigh.
[IEV 845-02-41]
a) In the perceptual sense: assessment of the difterence in appearance of two or more parts
of a field seen simultaneously or successively (hence: brightness contrast, lightness
contract, colour contrast, simultanoous contrast, succossivo contrast, otc.)
) In the physical sense: quantity intended to correlate with the perceived brlghtness
contrasi, usually defined by one of a number of formulae which involve the fuminances of
the stimuli considered, for example: AL/L near the luminance threshold, or L/L2 for much
higher uniances.
[IEV 845-02-47]
group of characters and funclion control sequences which is uransferred as an entily from a transmitter to a receiver, where the arrangement of the characters is determined at the transmitter
[IEV 72 1-09-01]
4 Coding principies
Coding principles shall be established at an early stage of system design and shall be
consistent with those used ftor other equipment within the same plant or process.
The choice of a certain code will depend on the tasks of the personnel and the associated service conditions in which these tasks have to be filled.
It is recommended to apply one or more of the fllowing means of indication coding:
Visual codes.
一by colour:
-by shape,
-by position:
一by changing characteristics over time (flashing).
-Acoustic codes:
-by type of sound;
-by pure tone;
-by changing characteristic over time.
-Tactile codes:
一by shape.

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