BS EN 16214-4:2013 pdf download
BS EN 16214-4:2013 pdf download.Sustainability criteria for the production of biofuels and bioliquids for energy applications — Principles,criteria, indicators and verifiers Part 4: Calculation methods of the greenhouse gas emission balance using alife cycle analysis approach.
Within each subsequent step, the GHG emissions associated with the feedstock to that slep are combined with emissions from activities within that step taking proper account of yields and allocation rules are applied (see 4.8) to calculate the combined emissions associated with the product of that step. The precise way in which this is done depends on the chain of custody system in place (see further details in Clause 6).
Individual e values as expressed in the RED can only be calculated a posterion when the complete chain has been estabhshed.
Such calculations may be carried out for information but are not necessary to establish the GHG balance of biofuels and bioliquids.
4.6 Completeness and system boundaries
In order to determine which data is required for the estimation of the GHG associated with a certain activity. the economic operator shall define the boundaries of the system under consideration. A number of material and energy streams wdl enter the system directly controlled by the economic operator. Each of these streams will itself have a production and transport chain involving other streams and so on.
In all cases the principle of completeness shall be followed, i.e. all emissions associated with all inputs into the economic operator’s core system shall be taken into account, This may be done by using overall figures front other sources in wch case the boundaries are set narrowly around the economic operator’s system. Alternatively all or part of the production and transport chaln of some of the Input streams may be included thereby expanding the boundaries of the economic operator’s system To account for the inherent variability of agricultural yields and Inputs (fertilisers. agrochemicals etc.). multiannual averages may be used.
The extent to which such production and transport chain are included within the boundary is a matter of judgernent by the economic operator A guiding element shall be the rnatenality of the contribution of a certain input to the overall GHG balance of the desired product and the completeness and quality of the overall figures from the other sources Where such contribution is small, additional specific calculations are unlikely to be justified and use of a generic literature data may be appropriate.
Some processes involve use of very small amounts of input material such as process chemicals (e.g. anti- foam agents, corrosion inhibitors, water treatment chemicals etc.). The i’npact of such inputs on the total GHG footprint of the product is generally negligible and, in agreement with the verifiers, may be ignored. As guidance in this respect it is recommended that the contribution of such inputs be ignored if their combined value is unlikely to affect the GHG savings value of the biofueUbioliquid rounded to the nearest percentage point.
In line with lie RED. GHG emissions generated during manufacturing or maintenance of equipment audi as farm machinery, process plants and transport vectors or by the people operating them shall not be taken into account.
4.7 GHG emissions from energy use
4.7.1 General
Each step of the chaIn will consume energy, either Imported or internally generated from a portion of the feedstock or as a result of the conversion process.
Energy may be imported in the form of:
— Fuel e.g. coal. od. diesel, gasoline, natural gas. biomass (including In some cases the biofuel leedstock), biofuel or bioliquids
– Electricity from the local grid system or from a third party; I-teat (commonly as steam) from a nearby source.
Associated GHG emissions include C02 emissions from combustion of fossil carbon as well as any venting of methane and nitrous oxide to the atmosphere occurring during either the combustion process or in other steps of the chain.
This aspect shall be taken into account for every step of the bfuelbiohquid production. It shall account for the imported energy for the use of all machinery and oTher relevant equipment.