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IEC 60325:2002 pdf download

IEC 60325:2002 pdf download.Radiation protection instrumentation -Alpha, beta and alpha/beta (beta energy >60 keV) contamination meters and monitors.
alpha beta or alpha/beta surfac, contamination monitor
respectively an alpha (beta. alpha/beta) activity meter provided with means for giving perceptible warning (generally visual and/or audible) that the indicated surface emission rate per unit surface area associated with the contamination of the surface under examination exceeds some adjustable predetermined value
4 Units
In this standard, the units are the multiples and sub multiples of units of the International
System of Units (Sl)1. The following non-SI units are also used:
Time: years, days. hours (h), minutes (mm)
For energy: electron-volt (cv) (1 eV • 1.602 x 10-19 j)
NOTE Detinitions of the radiation quant,tiea and dosimetric tefms are given in tEC 60050(393) and
IEC 60050(394)
5 Classification of assemblies
Assemblies are classified according to their status as:
detection assemblies; measurement assemblies; complete contamInation meters or monitors.
For measurement assemblies and complete contamination meters or monitors, according to their use as:
transportable assemblies;
portable assemblies.
For measurement assemblies and complete contamination meters or monitors, according to their power supplies as:
primary or secondary batteries.
For detection assemblies and complete contamination meters or monitors, according to the type of radiation as:
alpha contamination meters or monitors, beta contamination meters or monitors, alpha/beta contamination meters or monitors.
6 General characteristics
6.1 D.t.ction ass.mbIi.s
Detection assemblies shall be designed so that the sensitive area of the detector can be placed less than 5 mm, in the case of alpha detectors, and less than 10 mm. in the case of beta detectors, from the surface under examination,
If the sensitive surface of the detector is provided with a protective grille, the nominal Obscurity Of this grille shall be stated by the manufacturer. The thickness of this protective grille shall be such that shielding effect at all entry angles should be minimised (a collimation effect is to be avoided.)
Both the total area and the sensitive area of the detection assembly shall be stated.
If the detector requires a supply of counting gas, the manufacturer shall state the type of gas supply and the flow rate required.
Where the instrument efficiency is stored within a memory, checks shall be made with more than one appropriate measurement assembly to ensure the factors are not affected by the measurement assembly.
6.2 Eas. of decontamination
The assembly shall be constructed so as to permit easy decontamination It is recommended that it be provided, for example, with a smooth nonporous external surface which is free from crevices. Alternatively, it shall be possible to use at least the measurement assembly when placed in a thin flexible envelope which is either disposable or easy to decontaminate and which is provided with transparent parts to permit the instrument scale to be read.
63 Sealing
For assemblies intended for outdoor use, the manufacturer shall state the precautions that have been taken to prevent the ingress of moisture.
64 Alarm threshold
This clause Is applicable to monitors only.
A monitor shall include circuits necessary for tripping an alarm at one or more thresholds,
The number of tripping levels shall be subject to agreement between manufacturer and purchaser.
Alarm threshold values shall be given either as percentages of ranges of adjustment or in terms of units of the display.
Each alarm threshold shall be designed to allow convenient operational verification by means of test signals, radioactive sources or signal Input circuitry.
The range of adjustment shall be specified and the value of the alarm threshold shall be adiustable to any point within this range. It shall not be possible to incapacitate the alarm by any means such as setting the alarm thresholds beyond range limits. If a mute facility is provided, it shall automatically reset when the alarm condition ceases.

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